Anonymous ID: 2cfec1 Jan. 5, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.7724853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4928 >>5126

>>7724270 (lb)


Disproportionate is big here.


POTUS is telling the media running the usual propaganda tricks to attempt to handcuff the US military response to GFY.


He announced yesterday all sites are a target. Cultural heritage sites, schools, hospitals, baby milk factories re-purposed for military purposes will be going down. He must be confidant they have critical mass to repulse the media onslaught. Media is funded by the parties trying to handcuff the US military anyway, IMO, so they're going down as part of all this.


Have to look at Europe where US bases are, Pompeo put them on notice to make sure they do their jobs and protect the US bases. They're going to have to control their new residents.


POTUS is going after the entire charade that started with the Munich '72 Olympics, the plane and ship high-jackings and the sundry terrorist insurgency tactics. Asymmetrical warfare will now meet modern conventional warfare. POTUS has them set up. Handcuffs are coming off.