Anonymous ID: d38bda Jan. 5, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.7724933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7724220 LB

Fuck off.


Top right: [Options] then hide images. That makes the user have to click images to be revealed. Or you can find "Comfy" anon's posts with how to blur images then reveal on mouse hover.


(You) haven't seen shit anon. You think tits are bad. Wait for the gore shill to show up. Fuck off and take your own steps to create the best individual user experience that fits (your) values.


(You) assume anons post things with good intentions. I happen to believe muh boobs pics are good, but there are shills that post shit just to trigger anons like you. You're on 8kun, protect yourself at all times.