Anonymous ID: d516a0 Jan. 5, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.7724764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK my autist almonds are going crazy so I keep finding moar shit I converted 1/5/20 into letters and found a bunch of shit but look at this shit right here


Academies Enterprise Trust - Wikipedia


OverviewSchools scheduled to leave AET end of Academic year 2016/17/18HistoryAcademic standardsControversies over expansionFinancial management and controversiesPrimary schoolsSecondary schools


AET has been on the Department for Educations 'pause list' since the academic year 2013/14. AET claimed in January 2017 to Schools week, "We expect to resume an ambitious programme of growth and continuing development, in order to provide great educational experiences for children across the country, whatever their background or ability." In February 2017 the Education Select Committeeconcluded that, "We are concerned by the growth of ‘untouchable’ schools and the length of time it is taking for some s…