Anonymous ID: 176047 Jan. 5, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.7726083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6100 >>6107 >>6199

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>>7724113 =P= Review Saudi Prince's advisor paid for BO to attend College!


Connects Khalid al-Mansour to BCCI and to Hollywood (via Brooke Sheilds).


Movie Deal Portrays BCCI as a ‘Personal Piggy Bank’ : Scandal: Involvement in ‘Brenda Starr’ film sheds light on firm’s relationships with the rich and royal.


A billionaire Saudi Arabian sheik [Abdul Aziz al Ibrahim, 43, a brother-in-law of Saudi King Fahd] with a special relationship to BCCI, a young American actress with a pushy mother and a comic strip character with a chance to move from the funny papers to the big screen.


The synopsis:


The publicity-shy sheik, linked to more than $130 million in problem loans from BCCI, uses a London branch office of the troubled bank to finance a bungled entry into the Hollywood movie business.



Khalid al Mansour, the Ibrahims’ chief legal adviser on the movie project, said some of the cash disbursements for the film could have been structured as loans for tax purposes, but he insisted that any such loans were fully backed by cash deposits.


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Why does a billionaire sheik need to borrow money from a CIA front bank?