Anonymous ID: 4b5add Jan. 5, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.7725645   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been accused of being a paid agent of the government of Qatar and using her position in Congress to access sensitive information for the benefit of Iran…


Did the Democrats purposely put Ilhan Omar an alleged Qatar/Iran Operative/Agent on committees with high levels of security clearance??? Qatari officials responded by saying that several American politicians and journalists were already on the payroll—most prominently Omar, who was allegedly described as the “jewel of the crown”, according to the deposition.


Ilhan Omar has“High-level familial connections in the Somali government would be an almost guaranteed ticket to the unemployment line for any government employee who requires security clearance as a condition of employment,”


“Members of Congress don’t need a security clearance to view classified information, but that perhaps makes this all the more alarming and a potentially serious national security risk.”


Omar was recently granted a seat on the U.S. House’s powerful Foreign Affairs Committee, meaning she likely will have access to countless amounts of classified information. Her appointment was widely condemned by Republican leadership.


Ihan omar received high levels of security clearances and placed on committees such as House Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Education and Labor, Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development and Subcomittee on Workforce Protections…by, of course the Democrats.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been accused of being a paid agent of the government of Qatar and using her position in Congress to access sensitive information for the benefit of Iran, according to testimony in a civil suit in Florida.


Qatar “recruited Ilhan Omar from even way before she thought about becoming a government official.…They groomed her and arranged the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics way before she even showed interest. They convinced her.” For her part, Omar cooperated with the Qataris and received cash payments, he alleges in the deposition.


…Bender claims that once Omar took office, she used her position in the House of Representatives to access sensitive information which she relayed to Qatar, and through them to Iran.


Omar cooperated with the Qataris and received cash payments, he alleges in the deposition.


…In explosive testimony made by video link from Toronto, Canada to a Florida District Court on October 23, Kuwaiti-born Alan Bender claims to have deep ties with governments and royal officials across the Middle East including Qatar. In his statement, he says he met Qatar’s Secretary to the Emir for Security Affairs Mohammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Masnad and two other senior Qatari officials.


The three allegedly claimed credit for the meteoric rise of Omar, saying: “If it wasn’t for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends,” according to Bender’s sworn deposition. The deposition was obtained by Al Arabiya English and authenticated by the attorney for the plaintiffs.


…In the testimony, Bender claims to have been asked to recruit American politicians and journalists to be Qatari assets. He says he objected and the Qatari officials responded by saying that several American politicians and journalists were already on the payroll—most prominently Omar, who was allegedly described as the “jewel of the crown”, according to the deposition.


Alan Bender, a Kuwaiti-born Canadian businessman, made the accusations in video-conference testimony on October 23 from Toronto for a civil case filed in Florida against the brother of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani, over allegations the Sheikh ordered his American bodyguard to murder two people and that he held his American paramedic hostage.


"Qatari officials responded by saying that several American politicians and journalists were already on the payroll—most prominently Omar…"


Can Ilhan Omar Be Sent Back to Somalia?