Anonymous ID: 5aca27 Jan. 5, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7725913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



@jennajameson 's twatter feed is something to behold. Troll level 100 with the lefties that talk shit. This particular thread was fun:


I guess Hope Kesselring was talking shit then went the butt hurt route. Entertaining read. Buttery popcorn suggested if you take a break from serious things for some entertainment.

Anonymous ID: 5aca27 Jan. 5, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.7726131   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck you and fuck this slide. This shit has been discussed and put to rest time and time again but you glow niggers keep posting this bullshit.


>Speaker Pelosi Threatens Possibility of Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice…


Speaker Pelosi never threatens armed conflict. The conversation is between House Counsel and Judge Rao. The topic: the options one branch of government has to compel another branch. The only reference to armed conflict is when House counsel responds that an option is for the Sergeant at arms of the house to go to the DOJ then he jokingly says, but we don't want armed conflict which is why it has never been done.

Don't take this glow nigger's false reporting and lazy digging. Listen to the couple of minutes of video that is embedded. The fact that these morans are materially misrepresenting the nature of the discussions was in notables yesterday.


Nothing but muh guns fear mongering and MSM tactics of deliberately misleading. FUCK. OFF. Glow Nigger.