Anonymous ID: b0a93f Jan. 5, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.7725490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5559 >>5918 >>5988

>>7725445 LB

As usual, old fren! It's not funny anymore! Two bodies who never met, one mind. Kek! Thanks again for the badge. Now my ID must disappear once again...


>>7725348 LB

Doing battle on Twitter is not in my character. It's a harsh, abrasive, competitive culture (not that here isn't, it is, but it's different). Memefags need to be in a certain mood, feel the spirit of creativity come on them, and then have sufficient space and time and energy to create memes. Memefags also have to follow the pulse of the breads to deeply understand what current topics are, what's hot, how anons and POTUS and Q feels about it, what needs pushing or refuting at the moment, etc. Catch the images as they go by, get inspired by some of them, then nature does its thing and a meme pops out. Doing battle on Twitter kind of shuts that creative spigot off. So, there is an inherent division of labor based on individual anons' desires, skills, capabilities, time available, etc.