Anonymous ID: f4a7bc Jan. 5, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.7725485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7725268 lb


Thanks for posting this. I just added the final words of your prayer, as you ran out of space. I find it intriguing that I only learned one single prayer as a child, and it was this version of the Lord's Prayer. We said it every morning in first grade, just before the government forbade prayer in schools. And yet I committed every word of it through my whole life. I'm also reminded that there are slight variations of the prayer's language floating around. What did Q mean by the Vatican changing the words? Seems to me words are important. Perhaps shared words becoming holy invocations spoken by God's children to strengthen the Divine within us here on Earth?


Perhaps we are well advised to choose our words and our memes wisely. After all, we are the good news now.