Anonymous ID: fad3f4 Jan. 5, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7725900   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. "If Abraham….."

He never sacrificed Isaac. He didn't "practice" human sacrifice. The whole "sacrifice" setup was so God could foreshadow the True Sacrifice of His Own Son, Christ.

FYI: Practice-


practice what you preach

b: to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually

practice politeness

c: to be professionally engaged in

practice medicine

2a: to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient

practice the act

b: to train by repeated exercises

practice pupils in penmanship



2: "If jews were poor slaves…."

God gifted the gold to the Israelites through the Egyptians. God informed Abraham in Genesis and later to Moses in Exodus he was going to come down so hard on The Egyptians and on Pharoah that they would basically throw gold and treasures at them to get them to leave. That treasure would later be returned to God for purposes of building the Temple. God provided the substance and materials for His own worship. The Golden Calf episode was a bad detour on that road that got 3000 of them killed by order of God.

Also, the golden earrings were the symbols of slave ownership. It was common for a master to pierce the ear of a slave and adorn it with a gold ring to show ownership.


3: "Wherefore David arose…."

The Old Testament indicates that the Philistines worshiped three gods: Ashtoreth, Dagon, and Baal-Zebub—each of which had shrines in various cities (Judges 16:23; 1 Samuel 5:1-7; 2 Kings 1:2).

I'll leave it to you to figure out how God feels about those deities and worship of them. The Philisitnes and Israel were at war for nearly 200 years until David came along.


  1. "If Moses said….."

Building the Golden Calf broke the FIRST COMMANDMENT. God ordered the killing of the 3000 people at the hands of the Levites. This also served to set them apart and was the beginning of their being the priestly class. Also a foreshadowing of Pentecost where 3000 were saved unto Life.

Also, difference between "killing" and murder. Even bigger difference when God said to do something based on His authority, which supersedes man's authority and often man's powers of reason.


  1. "If God told the jews….."

Cause they be stupid just like everyone else on this planet. Why did Adam and Eve eat the fruit? Why did Abraham lie about his wife multiple times? Why did Jacob trick his brother? Why did Laban trick Jacob? Why is the Bible a continual lesson in the fallen state of man and man's absolute need for a Savior?

Cause we all be stupid and we all make the mistakes and sins that break our fellowship with God.