Anonymous ID: ff22db Jan. 5, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7728008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8047

>>7727796 lb (no need to click on this muh Jew shill link)


You anti-Trump shills have been outed for a long time.

We know you hate Trump because Mark Levin called him the first Jewish president

We know you hate Trump because he has Jewish grandkids

We know you hate his father who busted up a KKK march in Queens,

Donated money to build a synagogue near Brighton Beach

And built many apartment buildings which Jewish folks of Brighton Beach preferred to rent.

And even when you shills went after him for not renting to the Schwarzes

He took the heat and never blamed it on his Jewish tenants

Fred Trump protected the Jews, just as he housed them and built them a place of worship

His son Donald grew up among Jewish New York and is now the best friend that Jews

In America and elsewhere

Ever had.


And we know that your Cabal friends are not Jews.

Some of them are Ashkenazi Turks who were converted to Satanism

By the Persian Satanists who tagged along with Persian Jews

Into the Khazar empire

Some of you are Canaanite Satanists from Biblical times

The Synagogue of Satan that the Bible warned about

And some of you are Egyptian Satanists

Who tagged along with the Israelites who followed their Messiah Moshe

Out of Egypt

And while he was up on the mountain.

Where Lucifer sent his Baraq O Bama to light the bushes afire

And instruct him to inscribe tablets of the law

You satanists built a GOLDEN CALF

And went back to worshiping Baal Molech who is Satan

And when God sent Lucifer back to Israel 2,020 years ago

You ratted on him to the Romana, and had Joshua crucified


But now, we are wise to your deceptions

We are untangling you web

We are separating DARK from light

Your day is done

You just don't know it yet


P.S. I never filter

And I fear no shills.

Anonymous ID: ff22db Jan. 5, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.7728445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8464 >>8480



Something here stinks

A shill claims that he has IDed an Anon

But how is this possible?

But this shill is concerned…

Oh so concerned for the wellbeing of patriots

And their ability to think clearly

That he will make the grand sacrifice

Of sowing mistrust against every Anon on the board

If we only trust the shill


What do you say Anons

Should we trust the shills?


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Here, try my scratch 'n' sniff

Anonymous ID: ff22db Jan. 5, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.7728520   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who gave you the monopoly on stupid theories???

Some people just can't be let out in public, I'm tellin' ya!


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Here, try my scratch 'n' sniff

Anonymous ID: ff22db Jan. 5, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.7728587   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Something stinks about this Tweet…


Five militants from the terror roup, which is linked to Al Qaeda, were killed in the attack, according to Kenyan military officials.


So who is she mourning?


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Here, try my scratch 'n' sniff

Anonymous ID: ff22db Jan. 5, 2020, 7:42 p.m. No.7728625   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Artists usually sign their work in the lower right corner.

Did you bother to look?


Instead you went FULL RETARD and wanked off about some ets ufo bullshit

Seems that ets is another one of your shill signatures, that and you are REALLY stupid.


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