Vachel Lindsay
Vachel Lindsay
One thing many are missing.
This Omnibus pork barrel has a shelf life of 6 months. Renewal ? End of September.
Just before the mid-terms.
Donald J. Trump
As a matter of National Security I've signed the Omnibus Spending Bill. I say to Congress: I will NEVER sign another bill like this again. To prevent this omnibus situation from ever happening again, I'm calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto for all govt spending bills!
Trump & Mattis have secured the $700 bn for the military. That is locked in, a fantastic outcome for #MAGA.
But all other spending is up for review & can be cut in late September.
If we are correct, the political landscape facing Trump then, will be very different than the one we have given him now.
'We'? YES. Were the ones who voted these people in. Not Trump.
We need to consider the shit storm coming down the line with OIGGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate and other scandals. There's no way that these won't touch Congress itself.
More than a few Congress critters are implicated, especially on the Dem side (also GOPe).
Each hit the Uniparty takes, makes Trump stronger.
Each hit the Dems take, makes Trump stronger.
Removing GOPe swamp creatures also makes him stronger.
Keep that in mind, as the next few months unfold.
So let the Uniparty crow today. It's known as a pyrrhic victory. Their last barrel of pork, if you will.
By the time Sept arrives, they'll watch in horror as Trump cuts every spending appropriation that they won today.
Oh, be in no doubt. That's what he's going to do.
And their horror will only increase when he puts in increased military spending, wall spending, defunds sanctuary cities etc etc.
Again, just before the mid terms.
TIMING, folks.
Think of today as part of a process, not as an isolated event. This Omnibus is like a piece of driftwood, floating on the ocean surface.
These are NOT normal times.
Going forward, focus less on the surface. More on who controls the tides beneath.
'When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum.
When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is because of timing.'
Sun Tzu was 100% correct.
Think mid-terms. Trust Trump. Hold the line, patriots.
The end.