Anonymous ID: 1cd4e9 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.7731383   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1470



Maybe choose a more plain background.

These are too many words and a busy background, so the eye doesn't know which to pay attention to.

=if it's the words, the background is distracting

-if it's the background, the words are in the way


That's just how the brain works.


Keep trying though! These are good and important quotes that are very timely.

Anonymous ID: 1cd4e9 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.7731479   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Immediate thoughts:


How is LNG passed through a pipeline?

Does it have to have sufficient pressure to do so?


EU is not pressured sufficiently to abide by the sanctions on Russia.


Magnitsky Act

Since 2016 the bill, which applies globally, authorizes the US government to sanction those who it sees as human rights offenders, freeze their assets, and ban them from entering the U.S.


President's EO on Corruption & Human Rights Abuses - partially the same, no?


Would either of those be considered "pressure" on those involved in human rights abuses in Ukraine?

โ†’ a LOT of human trafficking goes through Ukraine, many then go into Israel and out from there


Would either of those be considered "pressure" on the corrupt in Ukraine and those who are engaged in corrupt behavior/activities with them?


The answer to the foregoing is all YES.


BUT- did POTUS exert any pressure on Zelinsky about the Bidens?

Who brought the Bidens up in the conversation?

Zelinsky, not POTUS

How did Zelinsky segue into that?

Was it right after POTUS asked for a 'favor'?

NO. It was like 300 words later.

Did POTUS exert any pressure on Zelinsky wrt Bidens?



Go backwards a bit -

What was the favor POTUS asked for?

-gain custody of the DNC server and transfer to US custody

POTUS mentioned "one of your wealthy people"

= oligarch

Would US having custody of the DNC server exert pressure on Zelinsky?


Would it exert pressure on many in DC?

oh fuck yes it would


It seems to me that POTUS wants it (pressure) differentiated within the call

NO pressure on Zelinsky to investigate Bidens

Enormous pressure on the corrupt and human traffickers

EU is feeling pressure from the position in which they put themselves wrt Russia & LNG


I've only had 1/2 cup of coffee so if this is rambling nonsense, feel free to ignore.

Anonymous ID: 1cd4e9 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.7731511   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1523 >>1597


Ah-ha! I couldn't figure out what I was looking at!

Thank you for taking it in the spirit in which it was intended, we all can use feedback and hopefully it only makes the output better, and the output is really all that matters!


Pics related are 4 that work well, and one that doesn't (absurdistan) as examples. But use your own creativity and hopefully the muse will whisper in your ear today.

Anonymous ID: 1cd4e9 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:58 a.m. No.7731598   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1638 >>1677 >>1745

Bruce Ohr Covered Up Anti-Trump Crusade To Distribute Steele Dossier

Ohr had effectively become an 'off-the-books' investigator

Mon, 01/06/2020 - 10:20


Still-employed DOJ official Bruce Ohr says he was simply doing his "duty as a citizen" when he distributed the infamous Steele dossier through "numerous meetings, phone calls and emails" while acting "as a link between the FBI and Hillary Clinton forces" to take down Donald Trump, according to the Washington Times.


All this, while he was the #4 official at the Department of Justice - associate deputy attorney general, and in charge of the agency's Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, titles Ohr was stripped of by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein after his crusade to take Trump down was uncovered by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz in November, 2017.


And while Ohr was swapping anti-Trump research with his wife Nellie - a Fusion GPS employee with CIA ties - he hid his efforts between the summer of 2016 and Trump's election from his bosses.


Recall that both Bruce and Nellie Ohr had ongoing communications with Christopher Steele, the dossier's author, even having breakfast with him on July 30, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington D.C. - one day before the FBI launched operation Crossfire Hurricane, and one week after Steele had given installments of his Clinton-funded anti-Trump research to the FBI.


Following the Ohrs' breakfast with Steele, Bruce immediately phoned the FBI and met with Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page, a high-ranking FBI lawyer who was banging the head of counterintelligence - Peter Strzok - as they swapped anti-Trump text messages, while investigating Trump (yet no bias). Ohr later met with Strzok as well.

Clearly the lines between Ohr's personal crusade and his position as a top DOJ official had blurred, resulting in his demotions.


"The idea that he actually had some role in this Russia investigation was shocking to me," Rosenstein told the inspector general. "We had been fending off these congressional inquiries. And they were asking for all sorts of stuff, 302s [FBI reports] and things, and โ€ฆ I had no idea that somebody on my staff had actually been involved in โ€ฆ an operational way in the investigation."


Nellie Ohr, meanwhile, also appears to have gone on a mysterious personal crusade - becoming a late-life Ham radio enthusiast, which some suspect is how she covertly communicated with others about the Trump-Russia investigation.


According to the Times, Christopher Steele's FBI handler warned Ohr that "Steele could not be trusted."