Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:52 a.m. No.7731571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1589 >>1590 >>1664 >>1696

>>7730983 (PB)

>>7730592 (PB)

Also possibly in cahoots with corrupt Top FBI (Mueller / Comey) and comped Judges, Media and Law Firms.


Sauce attached, excerpt:

In the eyes of some at FBI and DOJ, over-whelmed by the politically-dominant Comey and others, this whole law-firm game of tricking and inducing major felonies by political donors, then extorting millions of legal fees from those donors for years, marketed as 'protection' of these wealthy felons, with a pyramid of profits on a base of ongoing US federal judge bribery, was too much. In the eyes of more honest FBI and DOJ staff, this is out of control, becoming a major assault on the Constitution of the United States, and causing increasing harm to the leverage of the US legal system as the Comey-protected crimes become increasingly known to world governments and corporations.There has been significant fear at the paedophile law firms of Ropes Gray and WilmerHale since President Trump's victory, fear that increased with the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, an AG who seems to dislike paedophiles and who does not seem to be quite so ready to indulge law firms defrauding political donors out of millions of funds after inducing them into committing terrorist and other felonies. This fear is now moving toward panic levels with the firing of the paedophile law firms' good friend at the FBI, James Comey, with AG Jeff Sessions' concurring recommendation.Bribery of key media has been a key role in these law firm crimes, as well as they key deception and hoaxing role of the paedophile-immersed chief lawyer of Google, David Drummond, who gives free web hosting to millionaire paedophiles who wish to use fake names, Drummond then placing these pro-paedophile sites at #1 in search results, whilst illegally censoring victims from replying, and also promoting and protecting Drummond's paedophile partners amongst Wikipedia administrators. This has led to Drummond and Google becoming known as paedophile violators of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations charter.Major key media involving in being bribed by paedophile law firms and their partners, are the same media involved in leading attacks on US President Donald Trump - the New York Times, the UK Guardian, and CNN, CNN's book-publishing division marketing novels of a paedophile author, supported by CNN-created Fake News video newscasts.In his final letter to FBI staff Comey boasts "I will be fine", hinting how he can cash in at firms whose ugly paedophile crimes he indulged - perhaps at Ropes Gray or WilmerHale.

Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7731640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1654 >>1655 >>1657 >>1665 >>1677 >>1745


THIS is the guy!

Big problems with GOOG and the #MeToo movement.

So we've got crashing cars and more abuse of women.

Wouldn't it be great if we woke to the Metoo'ers to this and they jumped on with Q - Right from the other side of the spectrum, across party lines for sure!








Sorry fren, but these are perhaps the worst memes ever witnessed. Is this a new Shill Meme tactic? I'm mean, if the left can't meme, you'd have gone around the world back to the start it's so far left-bad.

Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.7731665   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>7731655 sry anon, here's the sauce, only dropped the caps


Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.7731696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shiiiit, there's lots out there on their MeToo problems! Even MSM throwin GOOG under the <crashingBus.


A former Google employee posted a scathing account Wednesday of her relationship with the search giant's chief legal officer, saying her treatment represented "institutionalized behavior" that starts at the "very top" of the company.


Jennifer Blakely, a former contracts manager for Google's legal team, said she and David Drummond began dating in 2004, and had a son together. Because of the relationship, Google moved Blakely out of the legal team to the sales department, causing her career to suffer.


After the relationship ended, she says, Drummond neglected their child and made "terrifying threats" to gain custody. She said he initially refused to discuss child support, and she called Drummond's treatment "nothing short of abuse."

Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.7731737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1753


fair enough anon! I see it's not a shill, so you're all good. Diversity is good, actually didn't call out the song/cat ones as they were a bit clever.

Carry on anon! (maybe make easier to read, shorter amount of text).

Good attitude btw - fuckem if they don't like my memes! Ya man.

Anonymous ID: 436e40 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.7731758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fuck me! $38Mil, no wonder he has such an arrogant look on his face!

Thinks he's untouchable (probably has so much dirt on everyone else at GOOG, they cover for him).