Anonymous ID: dc6432 Jan. 6, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.7731589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614 >>1640 >>1665



> GOOG … at #1 in search results, whilst illegally censoring victims from replying, and also promoting and protecting Drummond's paedophile partners amongst Wikipedia administrators. This has led to Drummond and Google becoming known as paedophile violators of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations charter

Anonymous ID: dc6432 Jan. 6, 2020, 8:17 a.m. No.7731717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1734 >>1735

Anon - looked at that doc. There was something on that recently, associated with this author:


Extradtion sell-out of vulnerable young UK hacker Mr Lauri Love by his own lawyers


And by criminal fakers Julian Assange & Edward Snowden & Glenn Greenwald, who cynically used Lauri Love's plight to promote themselves, whilst colluding with the US government, & Lauri Love's own barristers & lawyers, to hide the facts that would save Lauri Love's life & freedom


Text of key documents all below


What may have been the means to bribe & buy off Lauri Love's barristers & solicitors, are payments from an alleged non-profit, the 'Courage Foundation', which has been engaged in supporting frauds run by the USA intelligence agencies & security services


A scheme: Intel agencies - fake 'legal support charity' - buying corrupt lawyers & barristers who betray the victim


Selling the victim to extradition to the USA, to jail & prison horrors, & maybe death by fake 'suicide' in US custody … remembering Aaron Swartz who inspired Lauri Love



Background that should be understood - what major governments know, but most of the public does not - is that both Julian Assange & Edward Snowden - plus their media pumpers such as Glenn Greenwald - are all liars, hoaxers, frauds & fakers working for the USA intelligence agencies


This has all been well-proven long ago, going back to Israel's Netanyahu & Zbigniew Brzezinski admitting that Wikileaks & Assange are under US-Israeli government control


For the many data points on the Snowden - Assange - Greenwald 'limited hang-out' hoaxes, the European government lengthy file report on 'Snowden, Greenwald are CIA frauds' was recently highlighted in major publication here:


And a very nice review of faker Assange data points was just published here:


Apparently Julian Assange has not really been 'living at the London Ecuador embassy', but just moved in & out for photos & meetings … a UK fake show like the GCHQ 'smashing the Guardian computers' that helped promote the Snowden hoax


Edward Snowden, Julian Assange & Wikileaks, & the Rothschild employee & so-called 'constitutional lawyer' Glenn Greenwald, all have the files they could instantly deploy to halt the Lauri Love extradition


Those files are, ironically enough, files proving massive bribery-related corruption involving acts of extortion & terrorism, by the federal national court judges of Virginia USA … who are the very same judges who would put Snowden or Assange on trial … yet Snowden & Assange, Greenwald & all their other CIA-tied 'network' all refuse to speak of these files


Sauce on that (MOAR in there):