Anonymous ID: fe3d03 Jan. 6, 2020, 6:08 a.m. No.7731053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1071 >>1074 >>1079 >>1114 >>1116 >>1255 >>1396 >>1498 >>1677 >>1745

>"In this room are some of the most important TV and Film directors in the world. People from every background, but they all have one thing in common, they're all terrified of Ronan Farrow. He's coming for you.

>Talking about all you perverts, it was a big year for pedophile movies, surviving R Kelly, Leaving Neverland, The Two Popes."


I think anons are missing this spicy dig Gervais took last night. The Epstein joke was good, this is even better.

The most important TV & Film directors in the world are terrified of Ronan Farrow.

Why is that?

And why would he be coming for them?

Did they all rape him and they fear his revenge?

Is he the bridge between all of these perverted directors and the cabal?

Lets dig a bit and find out:


Ronan Farrow (b. 1987)

Son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen

He was accelerated in grade school, attending the "Center for Talented Youth"

He went on to study at Bard College at Simon's Rock, and Bard College graduating at age 15

Bard College was heavily funded by it's Trustee Cornelius Vanderbilt in it's early years.

Graduate of Yale Law School in 2009

Interned at Davis Polk & Wardwell law firm.

A former named partner of the firm, Francis Stetson, was the chief counsel to John Pierpont Morgan,

during this time he and the firm helped Morgan restructure Pennsy Railroad and create GE.

DP&W still keep JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley as clients.


After graduating from Yale, he joined the Obama administration as Special Adviser for Humanitarian and NGO Affairs (think Soros)

in the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan under Richard Holbrooke.

He went on to be appointed by Hillary Clinton to the newly created Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues,

her justification was to refocus on youth following the Arab Spring.


He left government and went to write op-eds as a journalist.

He even had one of those "Penguin Press" book deals.

Farrow went on to write targeted hit pieces including a report on Harvey Weinstein's misconduct, published in the New Yorker,

He also released an article with Jane Mayer targeting Eric Schneiderman and revealing his misconduct.

Schneiderman resigned as a result, and Herr Cuomo assigned a special prosecutor to investigate.

Next he targeted Leslie Moonves, CEO of CBS, claiming 6 women accused him of abuse.

Finally, he targeted Brett Kavanaugh, being one of the conduits for Christine Blasey Ford to levee her allegations against him.


So I guess it's clear the reason for the joke, Farrow targeted many powerful directors in TV and Film.

But it's rather obvious this guy, from the beginning, was a made man. Being propped up for success.

He went to a school funded and created by the Vanderbilts,

He interned at a law firm funded and risen-to-prominence by JP Morgan,

He was in the Obama admin as a Special Adviser for Humanitarian and NGO affairs. (Soros)

He worked under Hillary Clinton, in a specially created position, to focus on youth,

then he was wielded like a weapon to target enemies of all of the above (Kavanaugh)

or target their own for strategic 'liquidation' (Schneiderman, Weinstein, and Moonves) to create distractions from more nefarious deeds.


The most interesting piece of data to pull from this is the Center for Talented Youth.

If you remember the Galileo School for Gifted Learning down the street from suspected trafficking front "Todd's Quality Tomatoes" in Sanford, FL,

A lot of shills and warning-fags were pushing us away from investigating Galileo.

I think it's part of their system of rearing their own, or identified "gifted" children into the future cabal pawns/players.

Either way, the Center for Talented Youth is a who's who of current Cabal stooges.

Alumni include:

Lady Gaga,

Sergey Brin,

Mark Zuckerberg,

Various pols, including Andrew Yang,

and a litany of (((Fellowships))) and (((scholars))).


So a simple joke and a simple dig reveals the mechanisms that the cabal uses to train and instill their members and pawns into industry and politics.

Anonymous ID: fe3d03 Jan. 6, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.7731079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The most important shovel full from this dig is to research the "talented youth" organizations,

the two most relevant to this post is the "Center for Talented Youth" and the "Galileo School for Gifted Learning."

Anonymous ID: fe3d03 Jan. 6, 2020, 6:46 a.m. No.7731232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1354 >>1479


What are we missing from the Ukraine phone transcripts?

Potus has been harping on it for a long time.

Telling us to "read it" and that there's "no pressure."

There's something else there.

Read between the lines, need help figuring it out.

His recent twat was all caps "NO PRESSURE."

Read the transcript, what does that have to do with it?


One thing I noticed was the part of the convo that explains that the EU isn't abiding by the Russian sanctions and not helping Ukraine as much as the US.

Why is that?

Does that have anything to do with "Pressure?"

The only thing that comes to mind is "pressure" from an oil/gas pipeline.

The EU is gripped by their attachment to Russian oil/gas,

Was the Obama admin and Madnitsky act used to create pressure?

Is there any news in Ukraine about pressure issues in the gas industry?


There's more to this transcript that we're not catching.

In potus's own words:

"get this done."


Everyone reread the document and see if you can find something.