Anonymous ID: 3842fd Jan. 6, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.7732204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7731053 PB Notable


Ronan Farrow's mother is Mia Farrow, who was, before Woody Allen, married to Frank Sinatra.


Their relationship was a huge tabloid scandal. Huge:


I don't know what Frank was thinking. Going from the bigger-than-life seductress Ava Gardner to 98-pound Mia Farrow… ah, no.


Anyway, the story goes that Sinatra insisted Mia Farrow not star in "Rosemary's Baby", and she refused.


"“You giving birth to the devil? I don’t like it,” Frank said. “It’s like some strange voodoo s–t. My mother will flip if she sees you doing this s–t.”


Frank dispatched his lawyer, Mickey Rudin, to have Mia sign divorce papers on the set of the film."


It's not like any reasonably intelligent person would need DNA results to know that Ronan Farrow isn't the genetic result of the ugly goblin Woody Allen.


Extra credit: this Sinatra bio from the New Yorker, a very tasty read for a Monday afternoon. Was there some razor intelligence under that wise guy exterior? Take away the liquor and the uber-stereotypical Italian upbringing, and yeah, I can see that.

Anonymous ID: 3842fd Jan. 6, 2020, 9:51 a.m. No.7732385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Woooo! A Chinese Yalie said this, did she?

Look how impressed we are at her Ivy League name drop!

Yeah buddy, whatever sheen an Ivy League pedigree had in the past has gone the way of the typewriter and covered wagon.

Get a time machine and try again in 1975, honey. It's over.

Anonymous ID: 3842fd Jan. 6, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.7732427   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name, anons.

Whoever you are, whatever your life has been, all you gotta do is ask to be forgiven and accept the ultimate Love. That's all there is to do.