Anonymous ID: a0e7c4 Jan. 6, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.7732318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331

The red and white flag is Georgia with the Caucasus mountains behind.

Caucasus comes from the Scythian words for Snowy Mountain-Pass

Scythian was related to Turkic languages…

kar = snow (Turkish)

the quote comes from an Azerbaijani Turkish lexicon.

Note the word gash which is a good description for a mountain pass

When viewed from the valley below.

Serious scholars now believe that Germanic languages originated as a creole

Or mish-mash of Iranian Slavic words learned by Turkic speaking soldiers

Who served the Iranian Slaves at the end of the world (Antes) ant cognate to end.

Think of what Ukraina means… At the edge, borderlands

A modern Azeri word for a mountain pass is keçib

Pronounced kechib

In Turkish geçit means the same




So, enough background from a tangled part of the world

Both '/Georgia and Ukraine' have had color revolutions

Georgia is where CIA's covert Operation Gladio recruited soldiers

Georgian snipers killed both Activists and Berkut police on Maidan in 2014

The crusaders may not intend to target Iran

Because this is not a religious war

But there is still rot inside Georgia

Cultivated by the CIA

That needs to be cleaned out

And in a mountain country

AR15's are the surest way to Sweep the decks clean

Anonymous ID: a0e7c4 Jan. 6, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.7732340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2391



Yes. It's called the MAGA movement.

Visit the Republican party campaign office

In your local Congressional district to get started

And FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for a landslide in November


Make it RAIN!!!

Anonymous ID: a0e7c4 Jan. 6, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.7732429   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did you know about Al Gore helping Iran to get weapons?

At the time, this was the Iran controlled by the IRGC who had ousted the Shah.


So this begs the question.

Is there a link between the Climate Change alarmism started by Gore

And the IRGC?

Is all the Paris Agreement money actually funding IRGC?

And the Greta Thunberg money?

Etcetera etcetera etcetera