Simulation of Leftists running in fear of Pepe.
**No lefty harmed in production
Dance of the dead:
Number Six: I have a choice?
Number Two: Of course. You can do as you want.
Number Six: As long as it's what you want.
Number Two: As long as it is what the majority wants. We're democratic. In some ways.
Number Six: I have a choice?
Number Two: Of course. You can do as you want.
Number Six: As long as it's what you want.
Number Two: As long as it is what the majority wants. We're democratic. In some ways.
Number Two: I'm sad, Number Six. I thought you were beginning to…
Number Six: Give in?
Number Two: Be happy. Everything you want is here.
Number Six: Everything's elsewhere.
Number Two: I'm sad, Number Six. I thought you were beginning to…
Number Six: Give in?
Number Two: Be happy. Everything you want is here.
Number Six: Everything's elsewhere.
Number Two: What were you looking at?
Number Six: A light.
Number Two: A star.
Number Six: A boat.
Number Two: An insect.
Number Six: A plane.
Number Two: A flying fish.
Number Six: Somebody who belongs to my world.
Number Two: This is your world. I am your world. If you insist on living a dream you may be taken for mad.
Number Six: I like my dream.
Number Two: Then you are mad.
Number Two: Our legal system is unusual.
Number Six: No jury.
Number Two: Three judges decide here.
Number Six: As in the French Revolution.
Number Two: They cut through the dead wood, didn't they?
The Observer: It's the rules. Of the people, by the people, for the people.
Number Six: It takes on a new meaning.
The Observer: You're a wicked man.
Number Six: Wicked?
The Observer: You have no values.
Number Six: Different values.
The Observer: You won't be helped.
Number Six: Destroyed.
The Observer: You want to spoil things.
Number Six: I won't be a goldfish in a bowl.
Number Six: Where am I?
Number Two: In the Village.
Number Six: What do you want?
Number Two: Information.
Number Six: Whose side are you on?
Number Two: That would be telling. We want information… information… information.
Number Six: You won't get it.
Number Two: By hook or by crook, we will.
Number Six: Who are you?
Number Two: The new Number Two.
Number Six: Who is Number One?
Number Two: You are Number Six.
Number Six: I am not a number! I am a free man!
Number Two: [laughs]
And for you.
Number Six: [referring to the chess game] Why do you use people?
Man With Stick: Some psychiatrists say it satisfies the desire for power. The only opportunity one gets here.
Number Six: That depends what side you're on.
Man With Stick: I'm on my side.
Number Six: Aren't we all?
Man With Stick: You must be new here. In time, most of us join the enemy… against ourselves.
Queen: Oh, that was a good move, wasn't it?
Number Six: I know a better one.
Queen: Oh?
Number Six: Away from this place.
Queen: That's impossible.
Number Six: For chessmen, not for me.
Number Six: Don't tell me you care?
Number Two: Well, of course. We want you to be happy.
Number Six: Fine. Just, umm… give me a one-way ticket home.
Number Two: Won't you ever give up?
Number Six: What do you think?
Psychiatrist: [about Number Six] Is he in for treatment?
Number Two: Not yet.
Psychiatrist: Pity… interesting subject. I should like to know his breaking point.
Number Six: Well, you could make that your life's ambition.
Queen: [crying] How can you doubt me?
Number Six: It's easy and I'm waterproof; a little drizzle won't wash away my doubt. So don't try.
Queen: I only want to be near you.
Number Six: Everybody's near in this place. Far too near.
Queen: Do you think they'll ever release us?
Number Six: Let me know. I shan't be around.
This place.
A, B and C:
Number Two: [viewing Number Six's thoughts] Extraordinary. How very single-minded.
Number Fourteen: He's not conventional.
Number Two: I sometimes think he's not human.
"A": News of old friends travels quickly.
Number Six: In a few hours.
"A": To you and to me, news is like air. We breathe it deeply. We draw it from far and wide.
Number Six: If it's interesting.
"A": What are you going to do with your freedom?
Number Six: Go fishing.
"A": Perhaps you're fishing now.
Number Two: What's that Number Six doing? Always walking. Irritating man. Doesn't he ever get tired?!
More about 8-kun:
The Chimes of Big Ben:
Number Two: [about Number Six] He can make even the act of putting on his dressing gown appear as a gesture of defiance.
Number Two's Assistant: There are methods we haven't used yet, of course.
Number Two: I want him with a whole heart, body and soul.
Number Two's Assistant: He'll crack.
Number Two: Perhaps–one tiny piece at a time. I don't want a man of fragments. Fascinating.
Number Two's Assistant: He doesn't even bend a little.
Number Two: That's why he'll break. He only needs one small thing. If he will answer one simple question, the rest will follow: why did he resign?
Number Two: [offering coffee] I can never remember. One lump or two?
Number Six: It's in the file.
Number Two: Yes, as a matter of fact, yes. But it would save time if you just answered.
Number Six: Why? Running out of time?
Number Two: "Does not take sugar." Frightened of putting on weight?
Number Six: No. Nor of being reduced.
Number Two: Oh, that's excellent. I am glad you are here. You really are a model.
Number Six: But I don't run on clockwork.
Number Two: You will, my dear chap. You will.
There is no difference, so love the enemy as yourself.
Number Six: Has it ever occurred to you that you are just as much a prisoner as I am?
Number Two: Oh my dear chap, of course–I know too much. We're both lifers. Number Two: I am definitely an optimist. That's why it doesn't matter "who" Number One is. It doesn't matter which "side" runs the Village.
Number Six: It's run by one side or the other.
Number Two: Oh certainly, but both sides are becoming identical. What in fact has been created is an international community–perfect blueprint for world order. When the sides facing each other suddenly realize that they're looking into a mirror, they will see that "this" is the pattern for the future.
Number Six: The whole Earth as the Village?
Number Two: That is my hope. What's yours?
Number Six: I'd like to be the first man on the moon.
Don’t conflate works of man with those of a heavenly host.
“Maybe you are fishing right now.”
Does this “Kate” have a number. She is 50, lonely, AND insane? I would really like to get to know her.
I quote ‘The New Number Two.”
I know the rules, and will probe only with a certified dick-fish.