Ya'll claim the cutest lies~
1 IP
1 Man
The rest is ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Go check that bread.
See how many posts by that ID there are.
See the content of my 16 posts.
Compare the IDs.
Whose narrative does that pic fit?
Who spent 3 seconds to write my name in the name field?
Spoiler: I was too busy sorting out the facts of what happened~
The clowns whole demasculinization shtick was an attempt at freezing the pain I felt into a meme.
>an Iranian general engaged in a diplomatic mission
1000% C_rAnian PROPAGANDA.
They're terrified being seen as the blamable bad guys. Why do you think they only engage via proxy warfare? Abusers hate being called out! They need 'deniability'
Blaming yourself to be me is so you~