Possible rumor:
There is a rumor going around that the U.S. invited Soleimanei to peace talks in Iraq, and that the U.S. shagged him AFTER he flew into Iraq, fully identified and not under cover at all. He was traveling in peace time mode to get to peace talks and according to rumor (not confirmed) the U.S. knew this and did a kill that would have been possible for even a Chicago street gang to do. If this rumor is true, it speaks volumes. I'll go into this a little:
IF he really was invited to peace talks only to be killed once traveling with no cover at all it means:
The U.S. cannot be trusted, and the hit, if ordered by Trump, just might be the impeachable offense the Dems are looking for. If it happened according to rumor, it was a grave violation of international law that will tarnish America's image for decades. IF the rumor is true, it will mean that no one from any state that is a declared enemy of the United States will ever be safe to fly anywhere for "peace talks" and that's one hell of a precedent to set that makes America look like absolute crap.