>>7736910, >>7736996
More digs on Picerne
Looking up the name Picerne returns next to nothing usable on several geneaolgy sites, cant find an origin for it, and search results show mostly real estate and investment corporations even when trying to exclude those results.
Except interestingly... Robert Picerne of Team Ferrari of Central Florida
first search results for "picerne democrat", guessing John is a bother or other family member
John Picerne - $115,600 in Political Contributions for 2014
https://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/john-picerne.asp?cycle=14, Picerne Real Estate Group/Executive Vice President, $32,400, 01/31/2014, DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Democrat.
John Picerne - $67,200 in Political Contributions for 2016
John Picerne - $67200 in Political Contributions for 2016, Campaign Finance, Money ... Officer, $2,700, 09/13/2016, G, LANGEVIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat.
>more recent headlines on John Picerne
Corvias founder John Picerne testifies before the Senate Armed Services subcommittees on Readiness and Management and Personnel on the state of privatized military housing in the Corvias portfolio.
Leigh Tuttle and Crystal Cornwall are military spouses. Tuttle’s husband a member of the Army SOF community, and Cornwall’s a Marine. They’re on the show to expose the business tactics of Corvias Group CEO John Picerne as originally put out by Reuters in the article “As U.S. soldiers battle landlord, confidential records shine light on his lucrative business.” As you’ll see in the piece, the developer stands to earn $1 billion in fees from contracts to house Army families that will last decades. These ladies anger however is not at Picerne gaining great wealth from this business deal, but over the poor standards of living which they and many other military families with small children have had to endure