Anonymous ID: b49888 March 23, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.774628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So far most of what we see in this bill is yuge for the wall, the army core of engineers and the military.


Other then a a couple of crappy organizations that can in future be culled out next time around…what are the real threats that need to be attended to?


As far as the raises going to our incompetent politicians, if we foresee many of them being voted out of office this next time around, the staff goes with them. Starting pay for a newbie may be considerably lower then person's they will be replacing. This could be a wash.


But I have a theory and I'm wondering if there are a few Snowden type's around here that could blow holes in it or … give it some meat as to the veracity of it holding water.


What if … this budget that was prepared by this budget think tank in with a bunch of staffer's and interns under direction of some team leader, emailed the budget electronically over to McConnell and Ryan. And…what if it was intercepted by Q types and switched out with a budget more in line with Trumps goals.


What if Q types intercepted calls from McConnell, Ryan and those discussing what the budget would include and most likely to take a quick look at it before they sent it over to Potus to sign.

What if Q types knew McConnell Ryan wouldn't have time either to read the whole budget, but made sure the stuff the greedy bastards would look at first glance would be included. Like the Pay raise, maybe Planned Parenthood and some other ones like National Endowment of the Arts. These would be included in the budget so as not to alert them that the budget they received was not exactly the one they thought they were sending to Potus.


If this budget was emailed from this staffer think tank … could it have been intercepted and replaced with a different one before it reached the email of the the intended recipients?