I don't know WHO lurks and posts here but it's such a wide range of people that it's amazing.
Red Arrow is awesome.
A Lifetime of Silence Behind the Green Door. Guess they aren't quite so silent.
SEC. 810. No funds available for obligation or expenditure by the District of Columbia government under any authority shall be expended for any abortion except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.
p. 609
Find it interesting "by the District of Columbia government" is how they state it.
If you scrolled by this image go back and take a look!
I never honestly realized the POWER of the chan!!!!! We even locate rebel training camps so they can be destroyed!!!!!
To OP thanks for posting!!!! Saved!!!!
Shia Lavomit's fucking flag? Yeah, I heard about it on alt-media before I found the chan 2 months ago. I used to be on the chan 20 years ago or so didn't peak my interest then, but this board moves along at such a good clip that I love it here.
Yeah. 1998 and Windows 1995 on 56k dialup internet. Can't believe it's been that long, I'm not too much older than that.
Been digging researching and learning ever since. Find something that peaks my interest and down the rabbit hole I've gone. Fukushima was a nuke attack. 9/11 was a controlled demolition. Plus lots more.
Just went and read your reference. Yeah, I'm waiting for that to happen too.
I'm looking for the full text of this transgender bullshit repeal on the website. Not finding it. Link? Thanks.