Anonymous ID: 38373f Jan. 7, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.7739689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9728 >>9750 >>0090


When I was 10-11 years old I read that a person's ability to learn other languages natively recedes & vanishes after puberty. So I embarked on a language learning binge quickly before puberty overtook me!

I wanted to find out if a person's ability to conceptualize different ideas is inherently limited by their native languages shaping their brain!


Result: ???


Don't know how that exercise affected me. Was a useful exercise for a budding autist with no downside, whether or not it made anon's mind more flexible.

Read a bunch of Chomsky and psycholinguistics stuff & kept on studying foreign languages after puberty. Yes he's a commie asshole BUT his linguistics stuff is interdasting/important.

Anonymous ID: 38373f Jan. 7, 2020, 5:23 a.m. No.7739733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A few memes from the new meme set

Trump Successes – in support of President Trump's 2020 Re-Election


Trump Successes!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Anonymous ID: 38373f Jan. 7, 2020, 5:30 a.m. No.7739752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9758


I was studying Latin in Jr. HS. Decided I ought to learn French so went to the language lab at school (back in those days that meant listening to physical tapes, we didn't have digital back then) and got some French grammar books from the library. Over the summer I was reading Agatha Christie mysteries in French translation. Then enrolled in French II come the school year.

Spent many hours tracing out foreign alphabets and writing systems and inscribing them in a notebook. Why? Well they just fascinated me.

Enrolled in Russian and had 3 years in HS, then pursued it in college.

Picked up bits of European languages that are common in choral music (German, Italian, etc.)

Later in life, learned a bit of Japanese and a bit of Spanish.


I do think it shaped me to have flexibility in thinking and conceptualizing.

But like you say, it was an experiment with no control group.