Anonymous ID: 3ce0ae Jan. 7, 2020, 3:43 a.m. No.7739533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9668 >>9670

The nature of vowels…


A = 2 parent lines, one child line = FAMILY A

E = 1 parent line, three child line = FAMILY B


O = Group/Us

U = Otherized Group/They


Vowels divide words. Vowels divide consonants more specifically. Linguistically, vowels make the word "speakable". You can't say words without vowels. The sounds get all mashed up. for example "th snds gt ll mshd p". You can't say it. It sounds irrelevant. It sort of is. Everything is irrelevant until you put the puzzle pieces together. So vowels are critical to the construction of words.


Vowels are inherent, gender-neutral, pronouns. It is a waste of time to say M I N E. I can look at the word without knowing what M and N mean and know that it belongs to me (I)me and (E)my family.


Vowels have emotion. Consonants tend to represent nouns or verbs, which often switch syntaxically. Vowels are more feeling or solution oriented. Vowels solve.


Vowels are the operative signs between consonants, for example, in the word d o g. We can replace the vowel with an operator, in this case, why not an equal sign. (d) = (g). what if we change it to D U G. (d) (g) or (d) < (g). What happened. the O, the group pronoun, changed to U, the "they" or "other" pronoun.


half of you are like what the fuck is this shit. I don't know if I am communicating well. Will keep trying. I do have a point lol.


the consonants can all be traced etymologically to mostly OBJECTS or nouns which once functioned as a verbs.


you can literally dissect any word.


a (family)

n (water)

o (group)

n (water)


Family Water Group Water.


My life is part of the group's life.


g (container)

o (group/us)

d (legs/feet/move)


something to contain/hold/comfort our movements/actions/(behaviors?)


o (group)

n (water)

e (family)


the group give the family life.



h (candle wick)

e (family A)

a (family B)

r (mouth/speak/share)

t (bread loaf)


the possibility of two families sharing conversation and bread.


Interesting articles about language/alphabets:

Chinese Symbols and Genesis


Letter by Letter


Dollar Words

Anonymous ID: 3ce0ae Jan. 7, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.7739673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742 >>0116


Honestly. I think it is already written about. Just too little research and no cross-field applications. The science stuff is too many big words that say a bunch of stuff I don't understand, but there seems to be some sort of science.

However, like many fields, there isn't "fringe" applications. I dont bother much with the expert stuff, just too much of a learning curve. I just try to understand things in my own way.


somehow it all relates though. how is language a technology. how is the technology used as a weapon against us. like MKU programming, propaganda, etc.


i could list tons of websites, but the best thing is to find someone around here that knows more than I do about the issue.

Anonymous ID: 3ce0ae Jan. 7, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.7739721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9723 >>9762


this is interesting.

it is all about syntax (sin tax) - I will give an example.

syntax organizes symbols(charcters/letters)

so the vowel organizes the consonant

or does the consonant organize the vowel

that is how the sintax changes.

who is taxed in the statement

there is a big different between

he gave it to me


he loaned it to me

what about

he borrowed it to me


he sold it to me


the question is

what do all these words ACTUALLY mean

borrowed, sold, loaned, gave


it seems stupid, but if you relate it to words like bore, sole, low, gay words that sounds like it but aren't it. alphabets represent SOUNDS. each letter is a sound, not a word. so it is okay to look at language as being homophonic in some strange ways. maybe.


at the end of the day it is still math though. it is about what equals what or what is greater than or less than something else. c0ns0n>nts >nd v0w<ls. i dunno. just fucking around really. there is something to this though, just don't know where i am going with it.


but it has to deal with the symbols called letters of alphabits that make up the language used to enslave us with stuff like project mockingbird.


words in general, hide the true meaning of what is being said with the symbols. sometimes. when it is important.


c is a shift, a change, a (ch)

but a c with a shift added is an S.

an S is 2(c)

why do you need a double shift

shifty shit. slithery language uses the letter S.


Anonymous ID: 3ce0ae Jan. 7, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.7739824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9842


Yes. Language is a powerful ancient technology.



The thing is words that are more "complex", meaning to me right now, 3 syllables or more. The big words are used to be civil, intellectual, educated, articulate. all this shit. right. but really it just hides the true meaning of the ROOT of those words.


There are too many characters/symbols in them to truly understand what is being said. each word needs to be dissected and formed into a sentence of its' own.


Some are okay and done for a reason, but some just hide what is really going on with the glyphs.

no need for big words. all i am saying. it confuses what people are REALLY saying. right now is a time of division, the language just becomes a prison. gotta keep destroying it is my guess.


wish i could come up with a good example, but i would think it is a imbalanced word. one with alot of vowels or alot of consonants.


like book is balanced. or is balanced balanced? what is the proper balance between vowel and consonant, not equal it seems. so book is imbalanced, it is vowel heavy.

changing it to a brook would help even it out a bit. how is a book like a brook. they sound similar, they are spelled alike. it is not a matter of if they are related, they are definitely related in my opinion, the only question for me is how are they connected.