You're preaching to the choir. I read your referenced page—nothing I'm not well familiar with. Held your position for over 40 years and defended it rigorously. Became borderline enraged at the idiocy of flat-earthers.
99 out of 100 flat earth presentations were not adequately convincing (usually FAR from it, often presented by morons, or just people not intellectually up to the task) but I've now seen a handful of presentations that I cannot ignore. Can no longer believe in the spherical model they claim AT ALL in good faith. The model science sells us is impossible. Furthermore, if I tried to bend every other Biblical topic as much as I unwittingly had to bend it to align with the globe model, I might as well have tossed the book out entirely, or at least been forced to admit that most things I believe are being stated literally could also be poetic or allegorical, since I was clearly doing that with topics like the foundation and firmament of the earth.
I don't know if Robert Carter at creation.com is being sincere or has an agenda. Both he and you have some interesting digits. I consider it the grand-daddy of cognitive dissonance, so I tend to assume "creationist Christians" are sincere, but one never knows in this day and age, when nearly all of them are embedding precisely-times comms in their presentations. Especially when they cite "The Flat Earth Society," an organization EVERY sincere flat-earther declares a fraud.
Anyway, I'm not out to force it on anyone, because I knew what a totally stubborn, hard nut to crack I was. After all, I graduated 1st in my high school in all science categories and got a free-ride engineering scholarship to college. The "smart ones" can be the toughest. And to repeat, I'm not a "Flat Earther." I'm an "I Don't Knower." I see irreconcilable problems with both. I just know that NASA lies about EVERYTHING and we can see entirely too far… and in ways that toss atmospheric refraction out the window as a potential culprit.
It's pointless, in my opinion, to tackle the flat earth issue without first crossing these bridges:
We definitely faked the moon landing, ISS videos are full of forgeries forcing one to suspect the space station doesn't exist, The Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion was faked, leaving at least 6 of those 7 astronauts alive and well TODAY, and SpaceX is faking their space footage as well (mouse on rocket booster in space just last month).
Once you've concluded those, then FE is worth addressing, but if you still believe all or most of those things, I don't see someone easily making the cognitive leap.
4 smart presentations:
Flat Earth Journey - Dallas Presentation
Army records PROVE the Earths REAL Shape.
Convex Earth - The Documentary - The Flat Earth Scientific Proof
LIVE STREAM - Theologians Gone Wild! Why Creationists Should Avoid the FE Debate