Easy answer here?
Church was corrupt.
That ^^^^ is documented
Roman Church = Rome
Knights Templar were soldiers for the actual Christ King.
The Romans are who killed the Great King.? .
He resisted them
Templar Knights also were infiltrated and corrupted.eventually?
They were his army?
Carried ancient teachings - Became Another cult for control - like the Roman Church? as it is now - mixing salvation with corruption?
"Those you trust the most"
Notice Gervais said "Two Popes"
(So maybe "P" is Pope?
Startled expressions?)
but Templars transmitted the older teachings from the ancient world?
The footed-cross is the most ancient Cross of Jesus.And it is on the authentic Gates of Jerusalem?
Think: the Roman Cult had their sign be the remembrance of His killing.
Also, for Epiphany - West Church says "Born in a manger" 3 Wise men came "from East"
Eastern Church celebrates the initiation of the Christ by "John" spiritual leader
(would be called "Shaktpat" in the East.
"Descent of the Grace of God into a person"
"Holy Spirit" "Energy of God" "Grace" "Initiation / 2nd birth)
Makes more sense HE was a human who received grace, rather than "born God" as a BABY!?
Why do they worship a baby?
Also , since the King himself lived East of Europe, doens't it make sense some of the Eastern "memories" might be more in line with reality?
In oral traditions there, He was born in a cave, They were hiding out.
Maybe the Knights were not European, but came to there from the East after the Big War.? The story now told is they went to the East to fight in Jerusalem. Maybe they were refugees from the fight?
Is the Black Cross different in meaning from the Red? White Cross on a Yellow background.
The older cross of the East "Andrews" is an even cross, and in ancient deceptions show Him near water. Near a body of water.
St. Andrew's Cross is closer to the older Christian symbol