Anonymous ID: 24e64f Jan. 7, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.7740375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0695

>>7740006 (PB)

Clooney has a a place on the lake

not by the lake,

ON-THE_Lake, Cuomo that is.


Back in 2014 someone broke into Villa Clooney and hit the wine cellar - according to Daily Mail.


Again the same respectable organ, Daily Mail, speculates Clooney plans to sell the villa...

for 200 m!!

Lots of excitement and exclamation points because the DM states "Clooney only paid 20 m for it!!!"


Clooney is the nephew of Rosemary Clooney a cult witch who sung some extraordinarily popular, highly irritating songs -- cult cognitive exploits.


Do not listed to this RC song unless you're ready to deal with its sticky, tarbaby, mind worm nature.