Anonymous ID: 0dbd94 Jan. 7, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.7744301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4415

Y'know. I know I'll be called a shill, low IQ, a faggot, and so on.


But I cant help but notice Q keeps stringing a long truth at the expense of a lot of shit that happens under the pretense "part of the plan". 2 trillion spending bill to further the military complex while vets die on our streets. Hollywood still free, regardless of dumbass jokes a host makes, you're falling for a valve release. Iran becoming questionable. And again, we just have to wait. Keep being baited that at some point, someday, sometime, something will happen.


Why cant we force a plane of these Hollywood fucks to go on a plane. Create some fundraiser. Their plane can crash. Or "crash" while they sit on gitmo or do it to politicians. Noooo….its gotta be part of a plan, has to be done right. Regardless of innocent lives it costs.


Sick of it. Hope all turns out. I pray everyday this is all real. But I'm sick of doing Israel's bidding at every turn. Watching corrupt assholes remain free and rich and normal people continue to slave, be kept from cures and truths and overall treated like cattle, STILL.


Nothing has changed. Nothing but thinking we are awake and thinking changes are coming. We are all still slaves. Bot calling any anons out. Believe what you want. I know there are tons of good people here that want good things. I'm not here to attack you. I just cant help but question alot of this shit lately.