Anonymous ID: dfa135 Jan. 7, 2020, 4:14 p.m. No.7744594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4752



Was bill cooper picked up by the Q team and wasn't dieded? His "Behold pale horse" Breaks down a bunch of Q posts and explains a lot of what we have been living and seeing.


-Q says "Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land." Dang skippy because a bill was passed in the 90's that made President (George Bush Sr.) King of the United states


-Why all the Drama in Virginia? Possible DS headquarters is there, Mount Weather. The person in charge there is addressed as President.


-In a national emergency, Nixon's EO's allows FEMA to suspend the constitution. Remember all the body bags and bullets that the gubment bought?


-In an emergency, EO 1104 allows fema to relocate citizens and establish new communities. Map of "Simulated Reserve and Corridor System / Biodiversity" for 7 fartzillion, alex. Think California and Aussie fires


-EO's pretty much override anything and the President/King doesn't have to disclose all. Also, it can make the FEMA director what Joseph was to Pharoah.


The Bible does say not to get used to this earth. After going over Q drops and all the research findings, I see why God is going to reset the earth with fire.


Hi Mr. Cooper


I know, I know. Muh lurker skills are showing so be a pal and clean this up.