Anonymous ID: 7dcd63 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.7745256   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And yet your understanding is based off a bible compiled at the tip a spear for Constantine, a true Luciferian. I did not say Jesus played with the devil, I said Judaeo Christian thought has played with the devil. Once you get back before the western bible, Jesus is not nearly as clear a figure and does not fit portrayal of Christendom quite so neatly.

Faith in history and prophesy is tricky, none of us want to be Jonah sitting under the tree, anticipating the destruction of our enemies only to find ourselves without shade and unhappy our people were spared because they repented. Putting our hearts, minds and intentions behind an outcome that includes the destruction our our enemies hardly fits Jesus's direction to love our enemies, it just plays into a narrative supported by the Nicene Counsel and dictated as the state religion by Constantine. I would guess it is more complicated and hope for the sake of all the faithful more simple.

Anonymous ID: 7dcd63 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.7745393   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like every political situation, it's not what is said, it is who says it. Even here, factions spring into being, fuckery abounds. For the record, thank you for your digging; the poor me not so much. Stand up, brush yourself off, and keep going.

