Anonymous ID: be7ed6 Jan. 7, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.7744938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5256

>>7744750 <<lb>>

You misunderstand David.

David was not trying to be like Jesus.

David was doing his best to be loved by God, to win God's heart.

Whom David knew then as YHWH, and now as Yehoshua/Jesus.

Being after God's own heart is the same as a man who sees a woman who he knows will be his wife, and doggedly pursues her until she is, or until he is dead.


The name of God is unknown at the moment. The placeholder he have Moses is YHWH, I Am That I Am, or more precisely in the future tense, I Will Be That I Will Be. Yehoshua is another of God's names, and Yeshoshua/Jesus has given himself a new name that nobody on earth knows.


Jesus did not play with the devil. The devil tempted him three times, and three times Jesus quoted Deuteronomy at the devil, and the devil retreated. Jesus will never play with the devil. Jesus will confine the devil to the pit for a thousand years, and then defeat his armies after release, and cast him into the lake of fire, forever and ever.

I will see the devil in the pit, as Isaiah promised.

I'm looking forward to it.