Anonymous ID: dc2e04 Jan. 7, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7745081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5109 >>5129 >>5363 >>5391 >>5422 >>5433

OK, I want to continue a thread from last bread so I'm gonna repost a bit

You can ignore the lb links but I put them for completeness.


Msg 1 from me

This confirms somthing than an anon claimed on the board saying that the IRGC had taken over the USA. And that the military launched a coup in the USA in 2014, when they had all those sudden exercises in Europe and other countries.


Pompeo said this, that Iran was in charge of the US government.


Now something like that does not happen without a lot of planning and actions to set things up, so maybe 9/11 really was an IRGC job with VAVEK people pretending to be Israeli art students.


This alone is a big big boom.


Maybe I don't think that Eye The Spy's very big boom is going to be bombs or explosions. Sure, there will be some of that, but the bigger boom has to be something to do with the traitors in the USA. Maybe that are gonna all be indicted tomorrow.


Msg 2 from Anon Other

>>7744451 lb


>Pompeo said this, that Iran was in charge of the US government.

Where did Kansas say that?


Msg 3 from me near end of bread therefore [repost]

>>7744517 lb


It was FoxNews on Sunday.

I found a recording and if you just want to hear that bit then zoom forward to 7:00


This is bloody DYNAMITE!!!!!!!!!!!


[the YouTube video goes with this message]


Msg 4 to the shills

I think I have figured out why you are ALL so triggered, and I do believe there are several different shills writing this shit dissing @EzAsWaCo (maybe Ezra Asa Cohen Watnick, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER to Bill Barr at DOJ). I'm only guessing at his ID of course, but if he works at DOJ, and DOJ is going after pedophiles and child porn providers, well...

Do you think possibly the shills screaming about him are PEDOPHILES AND CHILD PORN PROVIDERS?

I certainly do.


As always, folks should trust themselves, but that means you have to check out @EzAsCoWA for yourself. But even if you just read each shill message and think about it, they continually accuse me of making claims that I never made, they claim that Q said things that he never said and are patently absurd. I can understand that Q intends to not communicate with us via any other channels, but the USA is a big country. Don't you think that the style of leaking info, that cannot be decoded until events have already happened, is something that other government officials would want to use? After all Trump and Q promised more openness.


I'll keep digging...

Anonymous ID: dc2e04 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.7745391   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So, now that the Pedophile shills have all filtered me (dear Lord I pray) here is more


@EzAsWaCo has been involved in takedowns of many child porn sites, and many pedophiles. Last fall, someone framed him, or at least filed official credible complaints to police, that led to his arrest. At that time he was Eye The Spy. Of course, he was able to clear his name, and show that any CP on his machines was incidental to investigation and evidence gathering. But the wheels of Justice move slowly so it took some time.


I believe that once he was cleared, he tried to track down the people who framed him, and that this is why his tweets about this NZ hosting co, and Russian hosting co, are so angry. In any case, they are CP havens, and so I think all Anons would agree with me, they must go down HARD!!!


If you want to help, search your favorite social media for RIMUHOSTING MONOMI or TVUNDERGROUND.ORG.RU and encourage law enforcement to take action.

Anonymous ID: dc2e04 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.7745422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5569 >>5582

[repost without that video thingy]



So, now that the Pedophile shills have all filtered me (dear Lord I pray) here is more


@EzAsWaCo has been involved in takedowns of many child porn sites, and many pedophiles. Last fall, someone framed him, or at least filed official credible complaints to police, that led to his arrest. At that time he was Eye The Spy. Of course, he was able to clear his name, and show that any CP on his machines was incidental to investigation and evidence gathering. But the wheels of Justice move slowly so it took some time.


I believe that once he was cleared, he tried to track down the people who framed him, and that this is why his tweets about this NZ hosting co, and Russian hosting co, are so angry. In any case, they are CP havens, and so I think all Anons would agree with me, they must go down HARD!!!


If you want to help, search your favorite social media for RIMUHOSTING MONOMI or TVUNDERGROUND.ORG.RU and encourage law enforcement to take action.

Anonymous ID: dc2e04 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.7745582   🗄️.is 🔗kun



See what happens folks?


When you launch a credible attack on the shills

with evidence

then they go quiet

Because they are beginning to realize they are going down HARD

They got sucked into a trap

Attacked my posts way more than usual

And posted so much red line shit on the board that Anons woke up

BOOM to the CP shills!!!