Anonymous ID: 6344f8 Jan. 7, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.7746273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6301


Where's the military wife from last week? She was saying something about it being much different over there than what was being reported? That those 4 soldiers didn't return to work as the media had said? Didn't pay much attention cuz who knows what's real, but…maybe this is all past tense (whatever happened at all)?


Plus, this Zarif character goes on American TV this morning and says Iran will respond proportionately to what we did to Soleimani. Iranian officials were bawling over this shit. Does lobbing a couple dozen missles at a military base equal a "proportionate response" (even if they did hit something)? I knew I was intermediately underwhelmed for a reason. I'm convinced of it now, we took their fucking nuclear shit out with whatever that earthquake was. The bad part escalated and was fought last week. It's done, anons.