Anonymous ID: 65d957 Jan. 7, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.7745750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5779 >>5787 >>5795 >>5827 >>5846 >>5994 >>6149 >>6359 >>6366

Another Qanon hitpiece from


Mother, 50, is accused of planning a raid to kidnap her child with help from her 'terrorist' partner who 'is a member of far-right conspiracy group QAnon'




A mother has been accused of planning to kidnap her child with the help of a man from the far-right conspiracy group QAnon, after the minor was taken from her custody.


Cynthia Abcug, 50, was arrested in Montana last Monday on a charge of conspiracy to commit second-degree kidnapping after her other child - a girl - reported the plot to police and social workers.


The girl, who is still in Abcug's custody. told law enforcement that her mother had become involved with a man by the name of Ryan, who was 'definitely a part of QAnon'.


QAnon believes that a 'deep state' full of powerful pedophiles is locked in a battle against President Trump and his supporters.


The FBI classified QAnon extremists as a domestic terrorism threat last May.


According to one Salon article, QAnon believe 'there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world and… control politicians, the media and Hollywood … The cabal would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump'.


Abcug's daughter claimed her mother had become obsessed with conspiracy theories and was 'spiraling' after her other child was removed from the home several months ago.


The mom-of-two had stopped attending therapy, and only left the house for QAnon meetings or shooting practice at her local gun range.


Abcug also grew increasingly dependent on Ryan, who moved into the home, according to the arrest report.


He was said to be armed and slept on the couch to fend off any potential invaders.


Abcug told her daughter that Ryan was 'a sniper' and that he was going to assist her in the raid to retrieve her other child. The age and sex of the child has not been revealed.


The mom allegedly began talking increasingly about the 'raid' and feared that it might turn violent, before her December 30 arrest.


Abcug has since posted bond and has been released.


NBC reports that Abcug was previously suspected of medical child abuse and factitious disorder imposed on another - otherwise known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy.


Police have not revealed the ages of Abcug's children, or whether the daughter who reportedly the plot is still in her care.


They have not stated whether 'Ryan' is facing charges.


What is QAnon and who is Q?


The QAnon theory holds that a high-level government insider known only as Q has been anonymously dropping cryptic clues or 'breadcrumbs' on the messageboard 8chan.


There, thousands of fans known as anons spend countless hours piecing the breadcrumbs together.


The theory maintains that President Donald Trump is locked in a secret battle with the forces of evil within the government and the Democratic Party, and at any moment is prepared to unseal tens of thousands of secret indictments.


One unusual feature of the theory maintains that special counsel Robert Mueller is secretly allied with Trump, and is using the Russia investigation as cover to prepare sealed indictments against the president's enemies.


The theory is often considered an offshoot of PizzaGate. Like that theory, the QAnon theory maintains that high-level deep state and Democrat operatives are involved in child sex trafficking.