I wish he would to fill all of the court vacancies and the slow walked cabinet positions if that is a possibility.
No, we are definitely not in agreement on this topic. Did the President look happy to you during the press conference where he announced he had signed the bill?
Why would he state that it would be the last of this type he would sign if he managed to get the wall funded and built? There is no need for him to hide it since it was signed already.
The thing about it is that he has opened the door to further restrictions and regulations for future occurrences. What do they go after the next time? (and you know there will be a next time, and another next time, until they get what they want or someone stops the capitulation) The slope is now in play.
I am afraid you are wrong on so many levels with that post. Israel does not belong to the Jews or the Rothschild's. It belongs to God and he will do with it as he pleases.