So when is Trump going to show us this 5D chess he played today?
How long until Trump hires Karl Rove?
No shit, they are as bad as the libtards.
Not to mention I foresee Scooter Libby coming back too.
If Trump defunds the SES and prosecutes the Clintons and I will call it even fro today's fuck up/
Anons just calm down for a second and realize Trump just shit in the punchbowl today. Why?
After today's escapade, Trump's next rally will look like a Hillary rally.
Watch my lips (((as I blow Israel)))
How is the HOPE and CHANGE working for you Anon?
You could probably mod a vibrator to do the same shit.
It is hosted at Amazon and Cloudflair so basically the CIA owns it
Yeah adobe reader
Did POTUS think he could just get a free pass today?
Squirt squirt squirt