wtf are you talking about? Who's been posting CP?
Okay - I don't know what you are talking about - I've only been on the board mebbe 45 mns. So - obviously you need to eat a bag of dicks and choke to death on the last one.
It's called /qresearch/, fuckstain. GTFO
Set filters to homo.
Missing some toes in that pic was what some anons on the board were saying the day that was postedโฆ Who knowsโฆ
Oh that's funny!
For reals - filter that faggot and move on.
That's arguable, but this isn't the place for another slideโฆ
I'm stealing that shit, anon! KEK
It's really a stupid gimme anyway. Everyone with sense knows that criminals don't obery gun restrictions - only honest ppl do. Add to that, it only takes a few minutes with a file and a bit of hacksaw blade and any AR can be made full-autoโฆ That said, anon above in the bread is right - bumpstocks do the same thing your belt loop or even a bipod will do (once you get the knack for how the principle works).