Anonymous ID: b2d20c Jan. 7, 2020, 7:42 p.m. No.7747424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FakeNews Jewish MSM will Collapse Soon


142,000+ Sealed Indictments.

Many of these sealed indictments are for these Zionist Jew MSM America-hating Hyenas. When the indictments are unsealed, they GET ARRESTED.


Every one of these Corporations are Owned, Produced and Fronted by Jews. From the Chairman, Producers, to the on-Camera talking heads.

Also the Print media, and the Social Media monopolies.


Once the MSM is taken down, their Jewish Narrative COLLAPSES overnight



Anonymous ID: b2d20c Jan. 7, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.7747579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Uses its Actual Israeli Army Soldiers To Attack any Evidence of Jewish Crimes shown On the Internet


JIDF Shills are Enlisted Soldiers = Israel is literally using Jewish Propaganda and Suppression as a Weapon against us.


*These paid shills attacking American Anons here telling the Truth about Jewish Cabal Crimes are paid by the Israeli Military Government'''. This is their actual Army job.


Imagine if America's Military had an American Internet Defense Force  to defend Americans against our enemies?

Anonymous ID: b2d20c Jan. 7, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.7747711   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Give the Power Back to the American People.


>The US Treasury was Constitutional


The Jewish Banker Privately Owned Federal Reserve is UNconstitutional


1913 - These Private Bankers STOLE the power to Create Money away from the US Treasury, and made America the Debt Slave to the Jews.


***Americans need to Awaken to the Enormity of this fact.….this is Jewish Power and Control of our country. (Jews are 2% of US Population)


The Jew Owned Federal Reserve CREATES MONEY out of thin air, then LOANS MONEY to the US Govt., and Charges Interest


The Income Tax was created to suck money from the American People to pay this Debt to the Private Bankers


>Before the Illegal Federal Reserve Bank:


Money Was Created by the US Treasury = the US Owed the Jews 0 Debt


>Jews are 0.2% of the Global Population, yet the Rothschilds OWN all the Banks of the World, including the Central Banks of nearly all countries (except for4).
