Anonymous ID: 173d3f Jan. 7, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.7748763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Previous bread an anon got excited and posted: =noitable= which is funny for a couple reasons, but it reminded me of something for years ago that had me in tears when it happened.


I must have been about 21-22 or something, but I was back home on leave, and a buddy of mine was giving me a ride somewhere.


While driving, he was eating a bagel sandwich, but because he just had some work done on his teeth, when he bit into it, he winced in pain.


No word of a lie, one second later, he sees an average, middle aged woman walking down the street. Literally nothing special. But he goes to honk at her, so he slams on his wheel a couple times but the horn didn’t work, so he just yelled something belligerent out the window with his mouth full and while in pain. It was just back to back L’s for my buddy and I will never forget how hard that shit made me laugh.