Anonymous ID: c82a89 Jan. 7, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.7748975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When someone is part of a cult, when do they commit suicide?

1-Ordered by the cult leaders

2-Fear of murder by the cult

3-To protect their family

4-to avoid legal prosecution


Hollywood IS a cult, plain and simple. Even Aleister Crowley in November 1915 described L.A as a “cinema crowd of cocaine-crazed sexual lunatics…probably found the Krotona Theosophical Society at Vista Del Mar and Primrose avenues. Those philosophers moved to Ojai in 1924, and their L.A. temple, meditation room, and vegetarian cafeteria are now groovy apartments"


Does anyone believe actors, directors, producers, etc are intelligent and brave enough to NOT get blackmailed or swear a death oath to a cult?

Something took Hollywood over the edge in the past 15 yrs that's even more abnormal than usual in Hollywood. I believe people thought it was a big joke at first, then couldn't turn back when they realized it was too late and they got into something they never imagined.

She wasn't supposed to lose. The Satanists were about to control EVERYTHING. How many people swore allegiance out of self preservation and chose wrong? Now they know too much and must be culled.

I truly feel sorry for alot of these people because they are weak, desperate, and pathetic humans. They only want to make a living doing the only thing they know, but fame and greed took over.

Look at the people who walked away and said "Fuck you" to the cult (Joe Eszterhas is my all time favorite "Basic Instinct", "Flashdance", "Jagged Edge"). There are very few who did.

Say goodbye to the Hollywood we've known for the past 50 yrs. They are fucked.