Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 12:41 a.m. No.7749592   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9595 >>9597



2 things, anon…1, you didn't have enough time to read that shit from the anonymous source and responded exactly like a shill team would….and 2. I can already predict your bitching, whining, and moaning until it is placed in note bun, so save it if baker choses not to…k? :)

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 12:46 a.m. No.7749605   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9621 >>9632


180 arrested…29 deliberately set fires…..not jiving with logic. coded comms me thinks, and you could be correct. however, I can tell you there is a VERY large group of people that are NOT going to simply take anyone's word for it like in the past, I.E. bunker suicides, burials at sea, etc etc….


JMO. But I do see your thoughts clearly anon. Just saying it would be utterly stupid to wake this sleeping giant, whom now has hive mind and intelligence beyond what most are even aware is possible, only to say 'ok boys, it's all over, we got em' JMO

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.7749890   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9905 >>9910 >>9929 >>9967 >>0008


Some of my own opinions…..


Those who don't work don't always 'not' want to work but the power corporations hold over their heads and the inability to fight such things without the direct necessity of money itself, and LOTS of it, has the tendency to hold them back via depression and mental entrapment, which turns them to anything that can 'numb' the direct responses within them, be it alcohol, 'drugs', sex, antisocial behavior, or anything else society dictates to be of 'nuisance' to their narrative of what is proper and not proper.

The vast majority of those whom are homeless are FORCED to be that way by a system which only rewards complying to limits, such as min wage, taxes, bills, NONE of which we should be rightfully paying for at the rates any of us are. When you stick a human being into a system that dictates the necessity of all that bullshit, it kills off their desire to take care of themselves by their own means because they can no longer grow their own food, they can no longer wash themselves without being a 'nuisance' or feeling as such. The desire to simply just 'be' becomes overpowering, and the inability to 'care' is misinterpreted by ignorant people who comply with the system, all the way up till those ignorant judgmental fucks get screwed by the system themselves, like it is designed to do. THEN, the perspective changes for them and they understand the words I speak.


I have met quite a few homeless people, and the vast majority of them still retained their 'spirits' regardless of knowing the futility of continuing the charade lest they consider themselves slaves, which is what the system essentially is. By the time they get fucked by the system, they are beyond the point of being proficiently capable of what they could have been doing and should have been doing all along….ensuring their primary needs were being met via their own labors, preparations, and planning, which requires first and foremost they be TAUGHT to do, I.E. farming, hunting if needs be, fishing, etc…instead, they are taught what a watch is and to show up on time whether they feel like it or not so that OTHERS may profit from THEIR labor and they simply get the leftovers which are taxed to all hell.


Many homeless people, if given the PROPER chance, would amaze any and all with their ability to turn life around for themselves, but the healing process of all they have already gone through MUST commence. Comment such as what you just stated are ignorant, biased, completely complicit with the ignorance and bias shown us by our own 'leaders.'


If I were wrong, believe me when I tell you, the situations and emotional stresses people have on them being left behind with few options would turn them evil, and they would amass together and quite literally destroy any and all, but they don't…not because they are drunk, drugged out, insane, stupid, or any other poor excuse used to label them, but because they still have a spirited desire to continue on even in the face of REAL ignorance.


Someone has to speak up against stupidity like what is within that statement.

Bottom line…if the means are there to do so, NO ONE should be without a place of their own….NO FUCKING BODY!!!!


Rant over.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.7749918   🗄️.is đź”—kun


thank you! An anon that fucking gets it.


How else are we supposed to learn lest it's our own mistakes. The ideas behind 'rehabilitation methods' present today are a fucking joke serving ONLY those in power. Each individual has their own perspectives, and without understanding those perspectives literally right down to actually being able to see through their eyes and feel what's in their minds, those people have no chance against what CAN occur lest they retain their 'spirit'


Sorry if I come off as an ass, but all the things you listed, I too have experienced.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.7749978   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9991

try this out for size.

work for years at min wage, no chance in hell of saving money, so it gets spent on stupidity resulting in direct targetting and profiling via 'law enforcement' including coordinated set-ups. Give in and collect disability after NOT wanting to but being eligible all that time. Use said disability to enroll in skilled training, which all said would NEVER happen due to disability. Ace everything at top of class. Get hired and prove capabilities beyond what any and all expected, and I mean fucking BEYOND. Get fired directly resulting from said disability and obvious politically motivated factors. Have no choice but to get back on disability to sustain assets achieved via actual fucking pay. Fall into depression. Get ridiculed by cocksuckers who think 'laziness' is the primary factoring behind not working. on and on and on…I know there are many here who understand and quite frankly, it is a fucking miracle me or any like me are still 'good people' whom would give you the shirt off their back. Be glad, because there are MANY ways to kill a mockingbird, and some of those 'ridiculed' people can be very intelligent.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 2:44 a.m. No.7750040   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0044


ty. reading but can simplify a few things right off the bat. If people were left the fuck alone and allowed to learn from their own mistakes without subsequently being punished for them for life, I.E. incarceration, records made public, denial of 'priviledges' (what a fucking joke) like drivers licenses, firearm ownership, etc. which are RIGHTS, the world might be a better place with happier people more than willing to help others and not simply look out for themselve like they are taught to do, lest helping others comes in the form of 'charitable donations'


Appreciate the reading material, will attempt to make it through, however, like the tax code, it seems quite long. Might be time to simply start the fuck over from the basics…the constitution.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.7750066   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Resonant frequency seems entirely plausible. Everything truly does have it's own identification, which I could lean into being vibrations and resonent energy.


If you are in belief the 'Earth' travels around the sun, but cannot believ it is possible to move the 'Earth' yourself, yet claim to undertand it all enough to be paid tax money in extremely large proportions for very little production of results, you might be a fucking liar. jmo.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 3 a.m. No.7750085   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0097


People with their eyes open seem to be prominent among real anons here to actually attempt whatever they are capable of to help under the guise of ending shit like that. Felt it anon, thanks for sharing and I wish for a much better future for you.

Anonymous ID: 55698d Jan. 8, 2020, 3:25 a.m. No.7750157   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Interesting, to say the least. Obviously preparation for retaliatory acts if Iran doesn't wise up. Could also say quite a bit about missile capabilities of Iran itself with the giant 3008 miles written in on the map. Perhaps it means Iran is still quite undetermined, perhaps those planes were never moved there in the first place and it's all a
