Anonymous ID: a26358 Jan. 8, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.7750088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm following the Field McConnell situation.

Here's an episode of Kirks' Law Corner (Kirk Pendergast) of EClause.

Kirk explains the current situation with Field.

He talks Timothy Charles homestead.

From what I gathered Mr. Homestead was getting misinformation from a 3rd party, and I believe he was innocently looking out for field.

He was unsure of Kirks and Eclausue services, not understanding common law practices and basically getting cold feet due to his lack of knowledge in the fundamental writings of the constitutions, declaration of independence, and bill of rights.

He put out an article accusing kirks law corner and Eclause for stealing field computer, which is untrue.

Kirk is still helping field and has not abandoned Field.

These reports are stirring up trolls, a lot of the information is being discredited due to treasonous barr attorneys and esquires who are mad that Eclause for exposing the BARR and utilizing "loss Prevention"against bad actors with Congressional Emoluments which is the constitutional way to address grievances.


Field McConnel will be free soon.


I recommend anons watch these videos of Eclause and overstand themselves so they can learn about the proper way to address grievances before congress. - kirks law corner - Eclause

Anonymous ID: a26358 Jan. 8, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.7750235   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was seeing posts of twatter peeps saying wyatts count was co-opted, i dont know if thats true or not.

I don't know how many twatter accounts are clowns. I'm sure its more that we realize.

This must be the way twatter conducts themselves now, attempting to steer the narrative and co-opt the driving movement for newfags and oldfags.

The user creates a follower base with the help of twitter, then passes the account off to be taken over.

I believe they use these clown accounts to track Q people and control the narrative for the truth.

It's an easy way for twatter to ban people once you have them gathered together on one persons page.



Be careful who you follow.

I 'll take my chances with Q.