Is there actual video of the bases being hit?
They never hit our bases. There was a deal struck: "we'll say you hit us, your people are satisfied. We won't attack, you claim victory"
Plot twist…(I'm sure yall thought of this already)
The word is that the president wanted Soleimini dead because he was using the military for his own personal missions - he went rogue. What if Iran struck a deal with the US to take him out; that would give Iran justification to THEN strike against the US - because if Iran attacked the bases without warrant, the American people would've gone BERSERK for Trump not striking back. The US will fake claim that Iran struck US bases - that gives Iran the freedom to retaliate. The retaliation satisfies the pro-Iranian government base. The zero loss of American lives gives Trump the cover to NOT fight back and everyone goes home in time for Cheerios.