Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7752882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966 >>3073 >>3226

Trump Goes There: ‘The Missiles Fired Last Night at Us Were Paid For by the Funds Given to Iran by the Obama Administration’


President Trump addressed the nation Wednesday morning following the Iranian missile attacks that hit US facilities in Iraq.


The President called out Barack Obama for the sham nuke deal that gave Iran $150 billion.


Trump also blasted Obama for the additional $1.8 billion in cash that he delivered to Iran in unmarked cargo planes on wooden pallets.


President Trump said the missiles that were fired last night were funded by the Obama Administration.


The garbage nuke deal wasn’t worth the paper is was written on (Obama never required Iranian leaders to sign the nuke deal).


The Obama Admin admitted that the Iran nuke deal wasn’t “an executive agreement” or even a “signed document.”


The Iranians laughed at Obama and fired off ballistic missiles many times breaching the so-called nuke deal.


Iran shipped 30 tons of yellow cake (uranium ore) to a facility in Isfahan last January, which if enriched could provide material to make atomic bombs.


Trump de-escalated and announced Wednesday that the US will impose more sanctions on Iran.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.7752917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2936 >>2954



Bayer-Monsanto’s secret weapon: Ex-Green lobbyist to tell the world its cancer-linked weedkiller will save the climate


As Bayer sinks further into a morass of lawsuits centered on its deadly Roundup herbicide, the company is getting a much-needed makeover from a Green Party apostate determined to position it as the antidote to climate change.


The beleaguered corporation, plagued with lawsuits from cancer-stricken customers ever since it acquired Monsanto last year, hired former German Green Party MP Matthias Berninger as senior vice president for public and government affairs in January. The erstwhile environmentalist has wasted no time in his effort to save Bayer by positioning it as the answer to our climate change prayers. Pivoting the discussion away from Roundup’s potentially deadly effects on humans, Berninger has been making the media rounds to promote the herbicide’s environmental benefits.


What environmental benefits, you say?


“The data prove” that glyphosate - the chief chemical in Roundup - is good for the climate, Berninger told German outlet Handelsblatt last week, explaining that while “the production of glyphosate is quite CO2-intensive,” its “use saves three times more CO2” compared to farming land with a tractor and plow, a process which he explains would spew out CO2 through its internal combustion engine and release the gas from the soil. In fact, Berninger really has it in for plows.


“It would be an illusion to believe that American or Brazilian agriculture would return to plowing,” he said, setting up and knocking down his rhetorical straw-man with ruthless efficiency. Nor would organic farming sustain a meat-hungry world - to hear him tell it, humanity must either dramatically expand farmland at the expense of biodiversity, or put its faith in crop science, a.k.a. Bayer.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.7752944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2989 >>3162

4.9 Earthquake Strikes Near Bushehr Nuclear Plant in Iran Hours After Missile Attacks on US Bases


A 4.5 to 4.9 magnitude earthquake hit near the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran on Wednesday just hours after the regime fired off several missiles at US bases in Iraq.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10 a.m. No.7752964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3073 >>3226

Putin & Erdogan Set Saturday Deadline For Urgent Libya Ceasefire As War Escalates


With Putin in Turkey on Wednesday ceremonially launching the much-anticipated offshore pipeline TurkStream, which will supply Russian gas to Turkey and southern Europe, it's actually events in Libya and Syria that are at the top of contentious discussions.


But there appears to have been a breakthrough which may or may not have any real impact on the Libyan war, just days after Turkey controversially ordered troops to Tripoli to the condemnation of pro-Haftar forces and its backers Egypt, the UAE, and Russia.


The Turkish and Russian presidents have called for a ceasefire in Libya that will start from Saturday (Jan.12) midnight, according to Turkish FM Cavusoglu, cited in Turkish state media.


The two sides issued a statement Wednesday calling for Gen. Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) to immediately come to the negotiating table.


As Middle East Eye reports:


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, speaking alongside his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, said he hopes the ceasefire will embolden the Berlin process seeking to resolve the conflict.


“In a joint statement Presidents Erdogan and Putin urge parties to stop violence” Cavusoglu said. Lavrov added that they expect neighbouring countries to actively join the Berlin process to help end the conflict.


It's only the GNA which is recognized by the United Nations, and at least still on paper the United States as well — though Trump over the past half-year has issued public praise for Haftar, a dual US citizen considered close to the CIA.


The crisis has escalated over the past months as Haftar has declared his forces are in the "final offensive" to wrest control of the capital Tripoli from the GNA. On Saturday an LNA airstrike slammed into a military academy in Tripoli, killing at least 30 and injuring nearly 40.


Previewing the urgency of the Libya matter as Putin was set to meet with Erdogan, Turkish media noted:


Perhaps topping the agenda is Libya – Turkey has deployed troops to support the U.N.-approved government in Tripoli against an assault by the Moscow-backed Libyan National Army, led by General Khalifa Haftar.


Russia has told Ankara that Turkish soldiers should not oppose Haftar’s militias, Deutsche Welle said citing one unidentified official. Erdoğan will assure Putin at Wednesday’s meeting that Turkish soldiers will not enter combat, other officials say.


But we doubt such "assurances" proved enough, given Turkey is already supplying the GNA with advanced military hardware such as drones to push back Haftar's own small air force, which includes MiG fighters.


The Turkish and Russian joint statement further called on the US and Iran to "de-escalate tensions and prioritize diplomacy" at a moment the region is on the brink of war after the overnight Iranian ballistic missile retaliation on US bases in Iraq.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.7753004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3073 >>3226

"Iran Appears To Be Standing Down" - Trump Signals Further Sanctions, NATO Engagement


Update (1130ET): After beginning his address 25 minutes late, President Trump, flanked by top military officials, began with a stark message:


"As long as I'm president of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon."


Trump added that the world community has tolerated Iran’s "destabilizing behavior" since 1979 (the year of the Iranian hostage crisis) and argued that through the killing of Soleimani, he is changing things:


“Soleimani’s hands were drenched in both American and Iranian blood. He should have been terminated long ago. By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists.”


Trump made it clear that US doesn't need anything from Iran:


“We are independent and we do not need Middle East oil,”

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.7753028   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK media uses Christopher Steele (of all people!) to push new conspiracy theory about Cambridge Analytica & 2020 election hacking


A fresh Cambridge Analytica leak of more than 100,000 documents exposing its work in 68 countries claims to show that global electoral manipulation is now on an ‘industrial scale’ and ‘is totally out of control’. Is it really?

100K documents leaked


Carole Cadwalladr, a journalist for the Observer, the Guardian’s sister paper, whose exposure of Cambridge Analytica’s misappropriation of 87 million Facebook profiles brought the company down in 2018, is making these claims after a raft of documents from Brittany Kaiser, an ex-Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower, began to appear on an anonymous Twitter account on New Year’s Day.


The leaks from the now-defunct data firm are supposedly ‘explosive.’ They contain material on elections in Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil. Apparently, they expose the inner workings of the data company and lay bare the global infrastructure of voter manipulation. The documents retrieved from Kaiser’s email accounts and hard drives, are only the start of thousands more to come. According to Kaiser, these reveal the true depth of the sinister data firm’s operation that go ‘way beyond what people think they know about ‘the Cambridge Analytica scandal.’

Who needs proof?


Well, if there is one thing we definitely do know about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it is that there has not been one piece of evidence to show how the firm used Facebook data to manipulate voters in the Trump election or during the Brexit referendum. To this day, no one can show who was targeted. With what ads? In what locations? There is no clear picture what Cambridge Analytica did for Trump. Or what it did in any of the dozens of elections worldwide it claimed to have worked on.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.7753047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2008: Hillary Clinton Warned ‘If I Am the President, We Will Attack Iran’ to Defend Israel


Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned in 2008 that she was prepared to “obliterate” Iran if it produced a nuclear weapon and promised to retaliate if the country launched a nuclear attack on Israel.


Clips of Clinton’s rhetoric resurfaced after social media users protested President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian Quds force commander Qasem Soleimani which resulted in retaliatory airstrikes from Iran on Tuesday night.


The hashtag #IvotedforHillaryClinton trended on Twitter on Wednesday morning, a trend that Clinton participated in with a taunting gif.


But Clinton may have forgotten her own hawkish rhetoric during the 2008 primary.


Ahead of the Pennsylvania Democratic primary that April, Hillary Clinton was asked by Good Morning America what she would do if Israel was attacked by Iran.


“If Iran were to launch a nuclear attack on Israel, what would our response be?” Clinton said in an interview with then-host Chris Cuomo. “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran. That’s what we will do. There is no safe haven.”


She also warned that if Iran developed a nuclear weapon, the United States had the power to “totally obliterate” the country.


“Whatever stage of development they might be in their nuclear weapons program in the next 10 years during which they may foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them,” she said.


She admitted that her comment was “terrible” but said it was important to “deter” Iran from attacking Israel.


“That’s a terrible thing to say but those people who run Iran need to understand that because that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be reckless, foolish and tragic,” she added.


At the time, Sen. Barack Obama criticized Clinton for sounding like a warmonger.


“It’s not the language we need right now, and I think it’s language reflective of George Bush,” Obama said in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press afterwards.


After he was elected president, Obama pursued a policy of appeasement with Iran after appointing Clinton as Secretary of State. But Clinton left the administration prior to Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, leaving Secretary of State John Kerry to complete the deal.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7753069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3188 >>3203 >>3236

Dave Chappelle: 'The Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out'


Must-watch Mark Twain Prize acceptance speech


On Tuesday night, PBS broadcast the 2019 Mark Twain Prize ceremony honoring comedian Dave Chappelle. During the program, Chappelle explained how "standup comedy is an incredibly American genre." He then explained how the First Amendment helped breed comedy, and how the Second Amendment guarantees it.


In a shot across the bow at politically correct cancel culture, Chappelle used his acceptance speech to highlight how every American viewpoint is represented in a comedy club somewhere — even the most repugnant. And he explained how that's OK.


Chappelle said, "We [standup comics] watch you guys fight. But when we're together we talk it out. I know comics that are very racist and I watch 'em on stage and everyone's laughing. And I'm like mmm that motherf*er means that st."


Chappelle continued, "Don't get mad at 'em. Don't hate 'em. We go upstairs and have a beer. And sometimes I even appreciate the artistry that they paint their racist opinions with. Man, it's not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. The Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out."


It's not the first time in recent months that Chappelle has staked out what many would consider a conservative, pro-freedom opinion. On his latest Netflix special, "Sticks & Stones," Chappelle stunned America with a stinging pro-life message.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.7753084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094 >>3139 >>3226

Nolte: MSNBC Admits It Spread Iranian Propaganda During Rocket Attacks


During Iran’s Tuesday night missile strike on a U.S. base in Iraq, far-left MSNBC openly admitted it was spreading propaganda for the Iranian government.


Watch the video below:


TRANSCRIPT: We’re just getting reports now that a second wave of rocket attacks has been launched from Iran. The IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] was saying that Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of this country, was in the control center coordinating these attacks. This bit I’m not sure about, but Iran state media is claiming that 30 U.S soldiers have been killed in this attack. This is not confirmed. This is just coming from Iranian media. But we have just stepped over the precipice, Chris.


The fake reporter here is Ali Arouzi, NBC’s Tehran Bureau Chief, who was on with Chris Matthews.


Let’s break down just how breathtakingly irresponsible this is.


1) Arouzi used information from the IRGC to build up Khamenei, to make it sound as though this barbarian was in control, was a brave warrior coordinating the attacks. Where’s the context about how no one should believe anything from the monstrous IRGC?


2) Knowing the information was coming from a propaganda outlet like Iran state TV, which the Iranian government controls, NBC spread a state-sponsored rumor that 30 American soldiers had been killed in the airstrikes.


3) Arouzi admits he’s “not sure” about the 30 dead soldiers, but he goes ahead and reports it anyway. How thrilled was Iran to hear that? And what kind of “reporter” reports something he’s not sure of?


4) This is probably the worst one… You have a so-called journalist announcing we have crossed a “precipice,” which means there’s no coming back, which means war, which even at the time was doubtful.


All of this was a lie. All of this was nothing less than an NBC News bureau chief jumping on American television to play Baghdad Bob on behalf of a terrorist nation.


To begin with, it not only doesn’t look like 30 Americans were killed; it looks like no Americans were killed and that Iran deliberately avoided American causalities by aiming its missiles elsewhere. In other words, this was a face-saving move by Iran, a de-escalation, a sign that Iran is admitting it does not want to go to war with the U.S. but did need to fire off a few symbolic missiles for sake of the political situation inside Iran.


This is good news.


No, it’s great news because, if true, it means we won. It means that President Trump’s decision to target Iran’s terrorist mastermind Gen. Soleimani worked. It scared Iran to death, to where they’re willing to fire off a few rockets and run off the field of battle.


Meanwhile, crippling sanctions against Iran remain in place.


So much for crossing the “precipice.”


And what kind of “bureau chief,” what kind of purported news network like NBC, allows its bureau chief to decide what is and is not a precipice, especially during the very fog of war?


You see, the sad truth is this…


The media, including NBC News, hate Trump so much, they want a war to bog his reelection down, they want piles of dead American soldiers to bring down his approval ratings.


There is simply no other explanation for this kind of reckless, dangerous, and wildly irresponsible reporting.


Never forget that what we are talking about here are media who went into two predominantly black working class communities — Ferguson and Baltimore — and deliberately spread lies in the hopes of launching race riots and did so knowing these riots would only hurt the people who are already struggling in those neighborhoods.


The media are evil. When you remember that, everything they do makes perfect sense.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.7753119   🗄️.is 🔗kun

176 Dead Include 63 Canadians, Three Brits After Boeing 737 Crashes in Iran


Three British citizens and 63 Canadians are said to be among the dead after a Ukranian passenger flight crashed minutes after departing from an airport in Iran, just hours after the rogue regime conducted missile strikes against American military targets in Iraq.


A total of 176 people died after a Ukranian owned Boeing 737 crashed just eight minutes after taking off from Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran in the early hours of Wednesday morning, killing everyone on board. According to the Ukranian minister for foreign affairs, the victims by nationality were 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians including the nine crew, ten Swedish, four Afghans, three Germans, and three British.


The Ukranian embassy in Iran initially blamed engine failure for the crash and denied any terrorist involvement, however, the embassy later retracted the statement saying that all options are being considered, reports The Telegraph.


“A commission is working to clarify the causes of the plane crash. Any statements regarding the causes of the accident prior to the findings of the commission are not official”, the embassy said in a statement.


Ali Abedzadeh, the chief of Tehran’s civil aviation organisation said that Iran will not hand over the plane’s black box to Boeing, according to Reuters.


In response to reports of engine failure, Ukrainian International Airlines (UIA) who operated the Boeing 737 aircraft said that there was “nothing wrong” with the plane, which is reported to have been serviced two days prior to the crash and was under four years old.


“The aircraft was in good condition… We guarantee the serviceability of our aircraft and the high qualification of our crews”, President of UIA Yevgeny Dykhne said in a press briefing.


Ali Hashem, a BBC correspondent in the region tweeted out a video that purportedly shows the plane on fire while still in the air, although the footage has not been confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 11e272 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.7753140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Government Confirms 3600 Mass Graves Found Since 2006


The Mexican government confirmed the discovery of more than 3,600 mass graves since 2006. The report also highlighted more than 60,000 remain missing in the time frame. The mass graves are largely tied to cartel turf wars, however, the actual numbers are likely much higher.


In their report released this week, Mexico’s National Commission for the Search of Persons revealed that since December 1, 2018, through the end of 2019, they have found 1,124 bodies in 873 mass graves. Out of those bodies, they have been able to identify 395 and return 243 to loved ones.