Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.7753300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3317 >>3603 >>3905 >>4025 >>4046 >>4068

Iran Gave Advance Notice of Missile Attacks on US


Iran's strike was meant to avoid casualties


US officials have confirmed that they were given advance notice Tuesday night before Iranian missile strikes against bases hosting US troops, part of what is seen as a concerted efforts to avoid casualties.


Iranian FM Javad Zarif said the advance notice was provided to the Iraqi government, citing respect for Iraqi sovereignty. Iraq told the US, giving time to get people out of the way of the attack.


President Trump confirmed that Iran is “standing down” after the attack, though his comments were mostly boilerplate about the Iran nuclear deal, and he accused President Obama of providing the funds Iran used to buy the missiles fired on Tuesday.


Trump and Zarif had both pointed to deescalation on Tuesday night in Tweets, with the takeaway that Iran considered what they did proportionate, and that the US could live with that since there were no casualties.


Other analysts suggested that some Iranian missiles were deliberate duds “designed to miss,” giving Iran a chance to play up the attack domestically, in reaction to calls for revenge after the death of Qassem Soleimani, without doing anything so serious that it would escalate the fight any further. This was supported by photos of unexploded ballistic missiles inside Iraq.


This restored some Iran deterrent capability, and provided the US with an off-ramp to avoid further tit-for-tat escalation. It seems the US is taking that, even if Trump is calling for more NATO involvement and more sanctions. That rhetoric returns the US to mostly an ex ante state, however, and so the US can also be said to be standing down, even if it is in Trump’s usual, bellicose manner.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.7753311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3330 >>3356 >>3383 >>3608 >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036

Dave Chappelle: 'The Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out'


Must-watch Mark Twain Prize acceptance speech


On Tuesday night, PBS broadcast the 2019 Mark Twain Prize ceremony honoring comedian Dave Chappelle. During the program, Chappelle explained how "standup comedy is an incredibly American genre." He then explained how the First Amendment helped breed comedy, and how the Second Amendment guarantees it.


In a shot across the bow at politically correct cancel culture, Chappelle used his acceptance speech to highlight how every American viewpoint is represented in a comedy club somewhere — even the most repugnant. And he explained how that's OK.


Chappelle said, "We [standup comics] watch you guys fight. But when we're together we talk it out. I know comics that are very racist and I watch 'em on stage and everyone's laughing. And I'm like mmm that motherf*er means that st."


Chappelle continued, "Don't get mad at 'em. Don't hate 'em. We go upstairs and have a beer. And sometimes I even appreciate the artistry that they paint their racist opinions with. Man, it's not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. The Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out."


It's not the first time in recent months that Chappelle has staked out what many would consider a conservative, pro-freedom opinion. On his latest Netflix special, "Sticks & Stones," Chappelle stunned America with a stinging pro-life message.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.7753321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel issues home demolition notices to Palestinian families in Jerusalem


The Israeli-run Municipality of Jerusalem delivered at least 12 home demolition notices to Palestinian residents in the city’s Isawiyeh neighbourhood today, Maan News Agency has reported.


The notices were issued under the pretext that the homes were built without a permit. Palestinians are rarely granted building permits by the Israeli occupation authorities, especially in occupied East Jerusalem.


Muhammad Abu Al-Hummus is an activist and member of a local follow-up committee. He explained that teams from the Israeli municipality took pictures of more than 50 buildings and homes in and around the neighbourhood. Some of the places where demolition notices were issued have been identified as Abu Al-Homs, Al-Dhahra, Abu Riyala, Al-Shaheed Yasser Arafat Street, Muhaisen neighbourhood and Olayan neighbourhood.


The Olayan family were ordered by the Israeli authorities to empty their home within 21 days so that it is ready for “immediate” demolition. They have lived there for three years, and will be left homeless by the Israeli action.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.7753359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IRGC calls Israel ‘a US accomplice’ in assassination on General Soleimani — Fars news



TEHRAN, January 8. /TASS/. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) call Israel an accomplice of the United States in the assassination of ex-commander of IRGC Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, Fars News Agency reported on Wednesday.


"Within the frames of this crime [Soleimani’s assassination] we in no way view Israel separately from the United States," Fars reported citing a statement from IRGC.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.7753385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iranian MPs Pass Bill Labeling All US Military Personnel “Terrorist Entities”


Lawmakers of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on Tuesday have labeled the Pentagon and its affiliates as terrorist entities under a new law, according to Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).


Iran’s new legislation was overwhelmingly approved by 223 lawmakers, according to IRNA. The law comes in response to the US’ assassination of top Iranian general Qasim Suleimani last Friday.


The law states, “all members of the Pentagon, all affiliated companies, institutions, agents and commanders,” are now considered terrorist organizations in the eyes of Iran.


This means, all those Silicon Valley technology companies that have contracts with the Pentagon, are now all classified as terrorist organizations and could be targeted if war broke out.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.7753419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036

Documents Show Senior Kerry Aide Used Private Email to Send Steele Reports to State Department Colleagues


From The Epoch Times:


WASHINGTON—Eleven pages of State Department documents released on Jan. 7 in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch show that Jonathan Winer, an assistant to then-Secretary of State John Kerry, used his private email address to convey information he received from former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to top U.S. diplomatic officials.


“I will send them to her [his assistant, Nina Miller] from my non-State email account, not copying myself,” Winer said in response to a December 2014 email from Paul Jones, principal deputy assistant secretary for European Affairs.


Jones wanted Winer to use the State Department’s secure email system, known informally as the “high side,” to transmit reports from Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.


“Given our ongoing concerns about security of open net, [then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland] and I wonder if it would be possible for you to flip Orbis reports to this system before sending them to us. Understand that’s yet another step in the process for you. We just want to be sure we don’t inadvertently undermine a very good source of info or worse.”


Winer, who was then-special coordinator for Libya under Kerry, continued in his response, telling Jones “she will then send them to us. You know who they are coming from, so even high side from here I will just refer to them as ‘O Reports,’ and strip out any other identifying information as to sourcing.”


Winer’s use of his private email to conduct official U.S. government business may have violated federal regulations and State Department guidelines.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.7753482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3547

Lie America Into War And Get Rich Doing It


Bloomberg News is reporting that National Security Council official Richard Goldberg, who was "central" to the Trump administration's "hawkish Iran policies," was receiving a salary from a Sheldon Adelson-funded pro-Israel think tank throughout his time at the White House.



Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.7753500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036 >>4065

Pres. Trump Hits Iran With Sanctions Says ‘Iran Will Never Be Able To Have A Nuclear Weapon’


In a national address Wednesday from the White House Grand Foyer, President Donald Trump shared certainty that under his tenure, “Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.” He made that statement after Iran launched over a dozen ballistic missiles aimed at U.S. forces and coalition Iraqi forces at two Iraqi military bases, Al-Assad and Irbil, late Tuesday.


There were no casualties and military bases sustained “minimal damage,” said Trump. In response, the President announced new sanctions against the Iranian regime and asked that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies comply with a pressure campaign in the region.


“For far too long, all the way back to 1979 to be exact, nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond. Those days are over,” Trump said.


He continued, “Iran has been the largest state sponsor of terrorism and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world. We will never let that happen.”

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7753521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036

Trump Meets With Greek Prime Minister to Discuss Strategic Cooperation and Security


President Donald Trump welcomed Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to the White House on Tuesday, applauding Greece for its economic recovery, while Mitsotakis sought further expansion of economic and strategic ties with the United States.


During a press conference held before the bilateral meeting with Trump, Mitsotakis stressed the importance of strengthening the strategic relationship between the two countries, as Greece is “a reliable and predictable ally [of the United States] in a complicated part of the world.”


He also emphasized the recovery of the Greek economy and the economic growth that the country has achieved. The growth can be attributed to Greek government policies that have proven successful in the United States, such as lowering taxes and deregulation, said Mitsotakis. He also invited American companies to invest more in Greece and contribute to the economic growth of the country.


According to ING senior economist Paolo Pizzoli, “Greek GDP expanded by 0.6 percent quarter on quarter in seasonally adjusted terms and by 2.3 percent year on year in non-seasonally adjusted terms, but the Greek economy is still in search of a sounder growth pattern.”


Greece suffered a debt crisis between 2008 and 2018 but received bailout loans from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. In 2018 the rescue program ended but until all loans are repaid the country’s budget is under strict austerity measures and is overseen by its creditors.


Cooperation in Defense


Mitsotakis expressed Greece’s interest in participating in the F-35 program. The F-35 is a multinational program led and mainly funded by the United States to develop and produce a family of cutting edge combat aircraft.


Greece recently signed a contract with Lockheed Martin for a major upgrade of its F-16 fighter aircraft and, according to Mitsotakis, after the completion of the upgrade in 2024 Greece would like to participate in the F-35 program. As a NATO member Greece is currently spending more than 2 percent of its GDP on defense—a standard adopted by all NATO members in 2014.



Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.7753554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3870 >>3960 >>4010 >>4036

Trump Hints NATO Should Take US Place in Middle East


Trump will not escalate the crisis with Iran but talked tough, while inviting NATO to take over at least part of U.S. role in the region.


Following Iran’s retaliatory missile strikes on two US military bases on Wednesday, US President Donald Trump imposed unspecified new sanctions on Iran but told Tehran that the US is “ready to embrace peace for all who seek it.”


In a televised address from the White House on Wednesday, Trump did not say the U.S. would further escalate military action against Iran following Iran’s ballistic missile strikes, which the Iranian foreign minister said concluded Iran’s response to the U.S. killing of Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the leader of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.


Trump reported that there were no deaths or injuries and minimal property damage from the Iranian missile strikes over night.


The president said that the U.S. was the number one producer of oil and gas, needed no Middle East energy and that he would ask NATO to become more involved in the region. This can be interpreted as Trump wanting to reduce the U.S. military presence in the region, something he has promised to do.


Trump also called for a new nuclear deal with Iran and said America’s European allies should pull out of the existing deal.


“The US will impose new punishing sanctions on Iranian regime and they will remain until Iran changes its behavior,” Trump said. “Iran’s campaign of mayhem and murder will not be tolerated.”

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.7753568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579 >>3600 >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036 >>4074

Feinstein Fed Up with Pelosi Delay Tactics – Demands She Send Articles of Impeachment to Senate as Speaker Clings to Articles, Refuses to Let Go


Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is demanding Nancy Pelosi deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate, but the Speaker is digging in her heels and won’t let go.


Fox News reported that Pelosi told colleagues in a letter that she will not give the articles of impeachment to the Senate unless McConnell ‘immediately publishes’ his resolution and accused the Senate Majority Leader of making “misleading claims” about the Clinton impeachment to justify his strategy.


“Sadly, Leader McConnell has made clear that his loyalty is to the President and not the Constitution,” Pelosi wrote. “Leader McConnell has insisted that the approach under consideration is identical to those of the Clinton trial and that ‘fair is fair.’ This is simply not true.”


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate has the votes to move forward with phase one of the impeachment trial.


“Fifty-one senators determine what we do and there will be, I’m sure, intense discussion, once we get past phase one, about the whole witness issue,” McConnell said, while also insisting that the Senate first receive the articles from the House.


It’s getting so bad that even Feinstein is demanding Pelosi stop delaying and just hand over the articles of impeachment.


“If we’re going to do it, she should send them over,” Feinstein said. “I don’t see what good delay does.”

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7753589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tehran Plane Crash Appears To Be "A Shootdown Event," Experts Say


A group of aerospace experts said Wednesday that Ukrainian International Airlines flight 752, which seemingly dropped out of the sky minutes after takeoff last night in Tehran, was likely shot out of the sky.


According to a report cited by the Independent, analysts should start from the assumption that the plane, which had 176 people on board, none of whom survived, crashed as the result of a "shootdown." While others insisted that it's still too early to jump to conclusions, the OPS group, an aviation risk monitoring group, said photos from the crash site clearly show projectile holes in the plane's fuselage and wing.


"We would recommend the starting assumption to be that this was a shootdown event, similar to MH17 – until there is clear evidence to the contrary," highlighting photos of the crash site which they said "show obvious projectile holes in the fuselage and a wing section."


The Boeing Co. 737-800 single-aisle jet crashed two minutes after takeoff from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport while en route to Kiev.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.7753629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worldwide Protests against 5G on January 25, 2020



Protests will take place in many countries on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This is the first Global Day of Protest against 5G. It is only the first of more to come until our voices are heard and the irradiation of the Earth is stopped. In the days leading up to January 25, the 5G Space Appeal, with over 3,300 pages of signatures, will be delivered in person to many governments.


This threat to life on Earth is more immediate than climate change. If we want our children to have enough of a future even to fight climate change, our society must stop pretending that radio waves are harmless and that wireless technology is safe. It is not. It must end. If you want to be able to live a full and vibrant life again, without the aid of sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, or antidepressants; to eat whatever you want without the risk of diabetes or heart disease; to see the great nations of birds and bees recover their populations, you must throw away your cell phones.


You cannot hold a cell phone near your body, even for a few minutes, without damaging your nervous system and your cells. You cannot expect to use a cell phone in an emergency without the entire wireless infrastructure of the world being there, including all the towers and satellites. The demand for wireless communication and the revenue from wireless devices is tremendous; it is what is fueling, and paying for, 5G. If we want to stop 5G, but we won’t give up our cell phones, it is not going to happen, and we will shortly not have a planet to live on.


Public protests are planned for January 25, 2020 in Durban, South Africa; Canberra and Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Torino, Bologna, Ravenna and other locations in Italy; London, Edinburgh, Isle of Man and other locations in the United Kingdom; Washington, DC, New York City, Hawaii and other locations in the United States; Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and other locations in Canada; and in Belgium, Bermuda, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and other countries. The list is growing daily. Information about events in your country, including Facebook pages and email contacts, is available on the Stop 5G International website, here: You can also contact for updates.

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.7753649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden in 2010 Said Iran’s Influence in Iraq Was ‘Greatly Exaggerated’


Months before Iran successfully installed its hand-picked government coalition in Iraq, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of U.S. military veterans that Iran's influence in the country was "minimal" and had been "greatly exaggerated."


"Let me tell you something, Iranian influence in Iraq is minimal," Biden said during an Aug. 23, 2010, address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "It's been greatly exaggerated."


"The Iranian government spent over $100 million trying to affect the outcome of this last election to sway the Iraqi people, and they utterly failed," Biden continued. "The Iraqi people voted for their desired candidates, none of whom, none of whom, let me emphasize this, none of whom, were wanted by Iran."

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7753670   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former CIA officer: Iranian sleeper cells in US a 'real threat,' but attack on our soil would be 'new 9/11'


Potential terrorist sleeper cell operations in the United States are a credible threat in the wake of Tuesday's Iranian missile strikes, former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright said.


Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade on Wednesday, Wright said that there are "unquestionably" sleeper cells operated and directed by the Iranian regime in the U.S.


After the rogue regime fired more than a dozen rockets at two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. troops, Iranian leaders indicated that there might not be more immediate retaliation by either side.


"All is well!" President Trump assured in a tweet Tuesday night, shortly after the strikes. "Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good!"


Just moments before, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted that Tehran had taken and "concluded proportionate measure in self-defense," adding that Tehran did "not seek escalation" but would defend against any aggression.


However, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that their "military actions" were insufficient and no more than a "slap" in the face of the United States.


State television reported that Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any further action.

The U.S. has been given the opportunity to deescalate with Iran, retired Navy SEAL says


why not tell us before???

Anonymous ID: 18aa8a Jan. 8, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.7753746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3761

U.S. Forces Evacuate Base In Syria’s Al-Hasakah


U.S. forces have evacuated a base in the northeastern countryside of Syria’s al-Hasakah, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on January 8.


Local sources told the state-run news agency that U.S. forces have completely withdrawn from the base, which is located near the town of Khrab al-Jir. Dozens of trucks were used to relocate military equipment.


“40 trucks carrying military equipment and vehicles left [the base] and headed to the town of al-Suwaydiyah, near the illegal al-Walid border crossing [with the Iraqi Kurdistan Region],” the SANA quoted one of the sources as saying.


Kurdish sources in northeast Syria said that no U.S. troops left the region. This suggest that the withdrawal was a part of redeployment within Syria.


Early in the morning, U.S. forces in northeast Syria were reportedly place on high-alert following the Iranian missile strike on U.S.-led coalition bases in northern and western Iraq. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) carried out the attack in response to the assassination of its senior commander Maj. Gen. Soleimani.


Many local observers warned that U.S. bases in Syria may became targets for Iran, or even its allies. However, Tehran apparently opted to respond in Iraq, where Soleimani had been killed by the U.S. earlier this month.


500 U.S. service members were kept in northeast Syria, in al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor. These troops are supposedly tasked with countering the ISIS influence and “guarding” key oil fields in the region.