Anonymous ID: 32b40f Jan. 8, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7753681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3693


Another Operation Paperclip; disturbing, if that's the case.

It's making a deal with the devil.

I went to high school with a couple of guys whose grandfather was one of them, a rocketry electronics expert who lived in Huntsville. Guy was a straight-up Nazi and his Wikipedia page still talks about him. Can't deny those guys were freakishly intelligent, though. Their dad could MacGyver anything out of anything, and the grandsons blew through high school and Georgia Tech like it was nothing. Done with bachelor's degrees by the time they were 19, and were writing predictive stock trading software last time I heard anything about them a decade ago.


I get that the OSS felt it was either WE get those scientists or the Russians got them. Doesn't matter; some had already been convicted at Nuremberg and most should spent the rest of their lives in prison for war crimes.

Recommended: Annie Jacobsen's book on Paperclip, pic related. Hair-raising.