bigly gerbal twinkie symbols exposed to teh light
maybe jesus is a corndog ?
like a deep fried joo pork myth
waved over yo head at disneyland
by some queer saurkrauter swampgas
feltching berliners and killing babies for coCIAne
fun fact:
today sancho is grabbing my nuts in my backyard tax free
new dough
new jew dough
lady gaga is not amused
damn homos
our unicorn has not completed the tasks to set free rainbow unicorn
garbage in
garbage out
maybe we should go have a gaypoop out in the woods to get over all that hobbit homo smut
with cevapi
his ex-wife still does buttstuff
our gaylord joo porks shitpost on the wall in new queer post modern ambivalent bigotries of closet homo
help stop t[ ]rannys
no whips and peanut butter shadenfreude makes gaylord jooo porks tender and sweet
bourgeoisie joo fag actor has double gasketed features
like a herd of homo buffalo