Anonymous ID: 7d3c08 Jan. 8, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.7753325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7752779 lb


Oh I like this!


We have Scientology shills on the board.

That is nice because the Satanist Scientology group

Were an early (pre-MKUltra) mind control group

Scientology is all about the same thing as MKUltra, Monarch, SRA

See how he uses the word Thetan?

This is Scientology's name for the soul or ego or…

But it is a curious choice of a name.

Knowing how Satanists love to deceive

I realized that Theta brainwaves are critical to Mind Control

And then I thought that E–Meter that they claim MEASURES something

And I wondered if it could actually stimulate theta waves

As well as measuring them.



Most of the stuff said openly about the E-Meter is BULLSHIT

To cover up what is really going on

Scientology was and is all about creating an army of mind control slaves

But, they have the same problem as all Satanists.

The eternal human soul, the core of the personality

Is always in direct contact with God

Who is the source of every Human Soul


You can cover it up and create a DID facade for a while

But you are never truly in control of another human

All the external conditioning eventually wears off

If you watched the Jason Bourne movies

Then you already know this.


Creating a Mind Control slave

Is not the same as Hypnotism

Even though it can appear like that

To an untrained observer

A Hypnotist can NEVER get a person

To do something that they do not want to do

Of course, most people have repressed desires

And hypnotists release these


When it comes to changing habits

If you want to change, then hypnotism helps

But if you don't want to change

Hypnotism is ineffective


But, if you induce Theta waves in the brain

And only give hypnotic suggestions while they persist

Then you really can make people do things that they…


This is the key to creating a Mind Control slave

Of course it helps if you till the soil before planting the seed

Break it up with a plow or rototiller

Get it loose and friable

So real world SRA and MKUltra start with…



When you know you are seconds from death

Your mind shatters

And then the Theta waves are induced

And the hypnotist techniques are applied

But now they entirely bypass your will

Which is shattered to bits.

This is how you create assassins

Throwaways like school shooters

Don't need a lot of finesse,

Just keep them more or less stable

Until the date of use


Super Soldiers like Jason Bourne

Need a lot more work to create

And therefore are more valuable to their owners

Monarch slaves,

Like the ones in Hollywood

Are almost as much work as SuperSoldiers

And maybe even more valuable

Since they generate cashflow for the owner.

Imagine if International Organized Crime

Or International Terrorists

Would start using these techniques?

Trained by Scientology?

It's religious freedom, isn't it?


What do you think?

What actually is a religion?

And what is NOT?


Anonymous ID: 7d3c08 Jan. 8, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.7753644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3722 >>3758 >>3870 >>4010 >>4036



Sam Zokaei, 43, a senior engineer for BP from Richmond, UK

Ardalan Ebnoddin Hamidi, a professional engineer from Canada


Olena Malakhova of Ukraine who was a director

of this International road transport shipping company

Rudimentary incomplete website

It was incorporated June 1, 2017

6 Mykoly Shepeljeva St

Does this look like a Trucking Company to you?

Anonymous ID: 7d3c08 Jan. 8, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.7753765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3814




Are you worried about what is actually in those vaccinations?

You should be!

But why are you not worried about…

What is actually in those vaping preparations?

What is actually in those coffee pods?

Who advertises for the Nescafe ones?

What about Tassimo and Keurig?

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Can you trust any of these things without regular random forensic testing?

. . . . . . . . . . . .



Tobacco vape products are addictive

Coffee is addictive

Vaccines that make you sick addict you to Big Pharma products

What about alcohol?

You guessed it!

They also have cocktail making pod machines

Anonymous ID: 7d3c08 Jan. 8, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.7753814   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Satanists like to reveal the truth

By spelling things backwards

Like the brand that NXIVM put on the girls

They said it was the initials KR and AM for the two leaders

But KRAM spelled backwards is MARK

And mark is what a Con Artist calls his victims

They get fleeced!


So what exactly is a POD?



Yep. It is dope (addictive drugs) for dopes (stupid marks)


Will people ever learn?


We need an army of teachers!

Anybody know where to find them?

Anonymous ID: 7d3c08 Jan. 8, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.7753888   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is a sign that the Illuminati bloodlines have ditched the NWO unity plan

And are going back to their old ways

Nature, red of tooth and claw

Survival of the fittest

It's a dog eat dog world

This bloodline clan philosophy was portrayed in Star Trek

As the Klingon race

And notice how the newest one Star Trek Discovery

Promoted this as the way forward

For human civilization as well?


— That's OK —

Divide and conquer is good for patriots

As long as we stay

United Not Divided