Anonymous ID: 801df3 Jan. 8, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.7753912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7753019 pb

We went down the cruise missile is technically a plane itself rabbit hole too.

Weirdest part about all that was there were multiple different live bread Q was posting those drops in all a big mess.

Pentagon absolutely has top tier pre-fuckery.

Also coincidentally and conveniently just finished "bomb proofing" that entire section.

Also specifically literally only that entire section, not a wide area at all, also had peculiar markers in the grass on satelittle in days leading up with drag marks or cuts in the lawn following the "approach angle"


There is no option I am leaving on the table for these fucktards and decuecanoes yo perpetuate any more lies and place any more flame blame on anyone else for that day.

If weve learned one thing it is that the lies and deceit corralled over the eyes of the American People regarding that day resulted in far far more death and destruction than the day itself. Especially when looking at the real casualty numbers vs media reported. (North & South Towed were relatively empty, the only firms even renting floors near the explosions were the companies responsible for the "fireproofing", detonation, and clean up after the fact, and with OKC prior.


There is no way the agency and israeli intelligence gets away with this shit for good. I know the former, as long as I still breathe [they] will not win that battle.

Plus theres a seditious crooked as fuck shitbird agency operative in honolulu I will see hung for calling for the murder of police officers in late 2014 early 2015 (would have to check paperwork) that I will see exterminated if I have to tie that rope and throw that lever myself.


I know the company, my entire life, and I know for a fucking absolute fact exactly what they did, 2 planes did not bring down 3 of the strongest steel structures in history, the main 2 specifically designed to withstand multiple of such events, a 3rd commercial airliner did absolutely not hit the Pentagon, a 4th did not discompartmentalize into counterspace hitting a grassy field in shanksville. Though military was wheels up in the area and something was blown the fuck to kingdome come showering small fragments from the hole they trenched in the ground all over the roof and property of the nearest house (old defunct quarrh used to have a Pentagon and big boulder in it)


Hundreds of first responders firemen emts police and those putting their lives on the line that then lost their own saving others really did lose their lives.


The company should lose [theirs.]


Talk to licensed explosive engineers or people that like blowing shit up, simply no 2 ways about any of these structural failures.

Same with OKC, when the official explanation completely disregards physics common sense and all logical thinking, it is simply incorrect.

And I hate physics.